A newsletter issue for Direct Support Professionals providing a variety of perspectives related to effectively supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in later …
A report focusing on participation policies for alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS). Since 1992, NCEO has analyzed participation and accommodation policies for …
Objective. We identified trends in the receipt of preventive health care by adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities by type of residential setting. Methods. We used data from the …
A report summarizing the discussion at the Forum on Evaluating Educator Effectiveness held in June 2012 in Minneapolis. Thirty-six individuals representing a dozen states, four testing companies, …
A report providing an update on the state of the research on testing accommodations as well as identifying promising future areas of research. Previous reports by NCEO have covered research …
A report describing a study conducted by NCEO, in collaboration with the South Dakota Department of Education, that used focus group methodology to look closer at what happens in the room on test …
A report describing a study of the read-aloud accommodation, which is frequently used on mathematics assessments. However, Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams often find it difficult to …
A report describing an activity conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to refine and pilot a set of planning tools that can be used to improve access of all students, including…
This is a set of planning tools that can be used to improve access of all students, including low-performing students with disabilities, to grade-level content.
A fact sheet defining challenging behavior as behaviors that harm people or objects, interfere with learning, and/or socially isolate the learner. The sheet also defines the form and function of …
A fact sheet defining choice-making as when a child selects an item or activity from among two or more options. The sheet also explains who benefits from choice-making and how it can be offered.
A fact sheet explaining when to teach a communicative alternative to challenging behavior, why a child uses a communicative alternative, and the steps involved.
A fact sheet defining a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) as a process that identifies the links between challenging behavior and the conditions that surround it. The sheet also explains how …
A fact sheet defining high-probability request sequences as an intervention in which a set of simple requests (and embedding as a preferred activity) for which the child is usually willing to …
A fact sheet defining the use of a preferred item as a distracter as an intervention strategy to avert challenging behavior by presenting a child with an activity or a preferred item. The sheet …
A fact sheet defining rejecting response as a communicative alternative for challenging behavior that can involve spoken, sign, or graphic language that a child uses to escape or avoid a person, …
A fact sheet defining request assistance as a child communicating a desire for help at a task without using challenging behavior. The sheet also explains how to teach children to request assistance…
A fact sheet defining a request for a break as a communicative intervention in which the child completes part of an activity and then requests a break; after the break, the child returns to the …
A fact sheet defining tolerance for delay of reinforcement as a strategy that influences challenging behavior by cuing the child and providing reinforcement contingent on continued participation …
Conducts research, training and technical assistance activities that enhance Minnesota's capacity to support community living for individuals with disabilities and/or mental illness. Primary areas …
A brief -- the sixth in a series for the Race to the Top Assessment Consortia -- addressing the Consortia's need to develop an inclusive approach to their non-summative assessments, including …
A report covering a study about the degree of membership of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities in community organizations, and community members' perceptions of such inclusion. …
A newsletter issue for Direct Support Professionals approaching healthcare from multiple perspectives; it also provides useful information that is needed to support people with disabilities in …
A newsletter issue exploring employment of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their changing role in the American workforce. Historically, people with disabilities have …
We investigated the extent to which employment consultants implemented job development practices recommended in the literature when assisting job seekers with intellectual or developmental disabili…
A report describing a study that investigated an online auditory feature of an assessment designed to provide students who have challenges with print reading with content information. Large-scale …
A multimedia resource providing information important to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities that is accessible to all. The content is translated into understandable language …
A YouTube channel containing documentary films, educational and training video programs, organizational profiles, and interviews, all developed through the Research and Training Center on Community…
A report documenting the Partnership for Accessible Reading Assessment's (PARA) field test to determine the degree to which its accessible reading assessment provided for accessibility, validity, …
An e-newsletter from the Institute's Check & Connect (C&C) project providing implementation resources, such as recent posts on the C&C "Attend-Engage-Invest" blog, upcoming training opportunities, …
The purpose of this study was to validate a training curriculum for employment consultants who assisted job seekers with intellectual or developmental disabilities in finding individual paid …
A report discussing the use of the "IEP Quality Tutorial-South Dakota (IEPQ-SD)." During the 2010-2011 school year, the state of South Dakota piloted an online program called the "IEP Quality …
A report documenting results from the fifth in a series of similar studies on state graduation policies and diploma options conducted by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO). The …
A Webinar sharing information on best practices and practical strategies for diagnostic assessment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Drs. Amy Esler and Sara Christianson from the University of...
A report investigating whether the characteristics of the lowest performing students in special education differ from the characteristics of the lowest performing students who are not in special …
This year 2012 report presents participation and performance data for students with disabilities in state assessments in reading and math in grade eight.
A resource guide providing a glossary of the "alphabet soup" of educational acronyms. NCEO developed this "acronym handbook" as a resource to define, clarify, or remind anyone involved legislative …
A website presenting the Improving the Validity of Assessment Results for English Language Learners with Disabilities (IVARED) project, which aims to answer three questions:
A brief focusing on issues and practices in the delivery of education services to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The articles in this issue address a federally-funded training …
A website presenting Moving Your Numbers, which provides examples of real districts -- from small rural communities to large urban centers -- that are positively affecting the performance of all...
A guide summarizing the lessons learned by school districts profiled in the Moving Your Numbers series. Moving Your Numbers features the work of ten districts with varying demographics that have …
A guide for use by district leadership teams and school-level leadership teams in gauging the district's degree of implementation and scale of actions associated with effective practices identified…
A guide connecting the report, Moving Your Numbers , to the curriculum of administrator preparation programs. It makes the connection by (1) showing how the booklet fits with curricula in such …
A guide connecting the report, Moving Your Numbers , to the curriculum of teacher preparation programs. It makes the connection by (1) showing how the booklet fits with curricula in such preparatio…
A guide describing six essential practices for increasing achievement of students with disabilities and other at-risk learners as part of whole-district reform efforts. All six practices are …
A guide, based on the report Moving Your Numbers: Improving Learning for Students with Disabilities as Part of District-wide Reform , providing an in-depth examination of how five school districts …
A guide, based on the Moving Your Numbers report, offering insights into the direction regional providers should take to more effectively support districts and schools in improving outcomes for …
A guide offering insights into the direction state education agencies should take to more effectively support districts and schools in improving outcomes for all students.
A brief -- the fifth in a series for the Race to the Top Assessment Consortia -- presenting information on the performance of special education students, highlighting the range in performance of …
A report describing perceptions and practices of Hawaii teachers using progress maps (learning progressions) to inform their understanding of how struggling learners progress during the school …
A report explaining how Tennessee developed an Alternate Assessment based on Modified Academic Achievement Standards called the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program-Modified Academic Achievem…
A 15-chapter textbook and how-to-guide helping organizations to select and implement strategies that address the challenges of recruiting, retaining, and training direct support professionals.Published: 2012
A website presenting documents and resources from this project that gathers data to help federal and state agencies understand the current status and emerging trends in supporting families and...
A brief reporting findings of a study that gathered data in 2009-2010 about how people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are being served across states in Home and Community Based Services ( …
A newsletter issue for Direct Support Professionals offering various perspectives on effectively working with families of the individuals they support - most of whom live with a family member.
A report examining how school districts can increase the performance of students with disabilities and other at-risk learners as part of whole-district reform efforts. It includes case studies of …
A report presenting a first-person account of someone on the front lines of school reform, specifically focusing on inclusive assessment practices as they influence curriculum, instruction, and …
Offers a suite of competency-based, online curricula for professionals providing services to people with intellectual, developmental, physical, and psychiatric disabilities, and to older adults....
A Webinar presenting Life Course Theory, which provides a broad view of looking at health and wellness. There is a complex interplay between biology, behavior, emotions, socialization, and environm…
A website presenting the program's training for future leaders who will
serve children with neurodevelopmental and related disabilities and
their families in health care, education, human services,...
A report updating information on the state policies on assessment participation and accommodations that NCEO has been tracking and analyzing since 1992. NCEO last reported this information on …
A report tracking test design changes between the alternate assessment based on modified academic achievement standards (AA-MAS) and regular assessment, whether states' AA-MAS were computer-based, …
A report summarizing accommodation policies for the content area of reading. Because of the increase in the use of computer-based assessments, the authors also examined whether reading assessment …
A newsletter issue presenting practical and insightful articles about supporting the social well-being of children and youth with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities in the settings …
A report summarizing the research literature for both professional development on accommodations decision making, and traditional and high-quality online teacher professional development. NCEO …
A report analyzing the public reporting of assessment data for students with disabilities in K-12 schools in the United States; this is NCEO's 13th annual report on this subject. The Individuals …
A brief -- the fourth in a series for the Race to the Top Assessment Consortia -- presenting information on the characteristics of special education students, English Language Learners (ELLs), and …
A newsletter issue encouraging Direct Support Professionals to think about how to use technology to more effectively support individuals with disabilities.
A brief -- the third in a series for the Race to the Top Assessment Consortia -- addressing the need for the Consortia to develop shared assessment participation criteria for students with disabili…
This free training includes case-based video clips for five interactive, multi-media professional development modules. Educators are coached on best practices in how to guide, select, administer, …
A series of reports identifying a common set of core competencies across community-based long-term services and supports sectors: aging, behavioral health (including mental health and substance …
A report covering the first two phases of the Road Map of Core Competencies for the Direct Service Workforce. It provides an inventory and overview of competency sets used across and within...
An audio recording of a Webinar of a MN LEND forum focusing on building collaborations in faith communities for inclusion of individuals with disabilities. Strategies and best practices for...
A report covering the national Internet survey that The Arc of the United States conducted in 2010 that aimed to capture the perspectives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities …
A brief -- the second in a series for the Race to the Top Assessment Consortia -- addressing the need for the Consortia to develop shared accommodations policies. The publication presents informati…
A report updating the information gathered by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) in previous reports. Since 2007, NCEO has annually compiled, analyzed, and summarized states' …
A report summarizing a study of two national congregational efforts for inclusion of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities: Accessible Congregations Campaign and Befrienders Ministry.
A brief -- the first in a series for the Race to the Top Assessment Consortia -- addressing the need to think carefully about accommodations when moving from paper-based assessments to technology- …
A report examining publicly-reported participation and performance data for the alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards (AA-MAS). Analysis included all states publicly reportin…
A brief reviewing U.S. studies that have measured behavioral outcomes associated with the movement of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities from institutions to community …
A report summarizing the results of the FAST Family Support Survey, a 2010 national Internet survey of 2,416 parents or relatives of children and youth ages 11 years to 39 years with disabilities …
A report analyzing public reporting of disaggregated assessment data for elementary and secondary students with disabilities in the United States - the 12th annual report by NCEO to do so. Reportin…
A newsletter issue exploring what we know, and what we still need to know, about supporting increased participation of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, in postsecondary …
A brief reviewing the state of knowledge and research practice in the emerging field of postsecondary education for students with intellectual and other learning-related developmental disabilities …
A report identifying several actions for the Race to the Top assessment consortia to take to meet the needs of special education students. The actions are consistent with standards and principles …
A report summarizing the results of educator focus groups conducted by one state in a consortium dedicated to studying alternate assessments based on modified achievement standards (AA-MAS) …
A report based on the work of the Research Institute on Progress Monitoring, which developed a system of progress monitoring to evaluate effects of individualized instruction on access to and …
A report based on the work of the Research Institute on Progress Monitoring, which developed a system of progress monitoring to evaluate effects of individualized instruction on access to and …
A tool to learn more about the characteristics of students who may quality to participate in an alternate assessment based on modified academic achievement standards (AA-MAS). This is an archived …
A report containing the findings from a survey of 2,336 special education teachers in the state of Alabama on making and implementing decisions about accommodations. A number of areas of strength …
A report tracking the characteristics of states' alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards (AA-MAS) that the National Center on Educational Outcomes has been following since …
A study examining the characteristics of reading test items that may differentially impede the performance of students with disabilities. By examining the relationship between select item features …
A report describing a small-scale study that closely examined a limited number of students to shed light on several questions. The study provided a preliminary look at the possibility of using …
A report based on the work of the Research Institute on Progress Monitoring, which developed a system of progress monitoring to evaluate effects of individualized instruction on access to and …
Published: October 2010
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