NCEO Technical Reports: Public Reporting of 2007-2008 Assessment Information on Students with Disabilities: Progress on the Gap Front (#57)

Part of the NCEO Technical Reports series.
Chris Bremer PhD, Deb Albus, Martha L Thurlow


A report analyzing public reporting of disaggregated assessment data for elementary and secondary students with disabilities in the United States - the 12th annual report by NCEO to do so. Reporting disaggregated performance data at the state and district level to the public is required of states by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); the 2007-2008 school year marks the ninth annual reporting period since this requirement was established, and the sixth reporting period since the 2001 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The public reporting of participation and performance for 2007-2008 assessments was fairly consistent with the reporting in 2006-2007. There continues to be a need for states to report clearly, to publicly report on accommodations use, and to strive to make the data that are reported accessible to those who seek them via public Web sites.


March 2011 
Number 57
National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)


  • Educational accountability and assessment
    • Alternate Assessments
    • Assessment Participation
    • Assessment Reporting
    • Students with Disabilities
  • Specific life stage
    • Adolescents and young adults
    • Children