Global Disability Rights and Inclusion

More than 1 billion people worldwide are living with some form of disability, according to the World Bank. ICI’s Global Disability Rights and Inclusion area advocates across the world for the right of people with disabilities to determine and direct their lives in an environment that values their contributions to schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, and community organizations.

The Global Disability Rights and Inclusion program area includes five topics of focus: capacity building, cross-cultural collaboration, community development and employment, disability rights, and global inclusive education.

The Global Resource Center for Inclusive Education, a designated Center within ICI, works with non-governmental organizations and national education agencies worldwide to improve education programs, practices and policies that serve people with and without disabilities across the life course. Historically, the GRC has provided culturally-responsive technical assistance for teachers, support professionals, and others working with disadvantaged populations in an effort to contribute to the improvement of inclusive and global special education approaches and disability rights at an inclusive lev el. The GRC is co-directed by Renáta Tichá and Brian Abery.