The Focused Approach Planning Guide: Tools to Improve Student Access
- Author(s)
- Sandra Berndt, Kim S Beloin
A report describing an activity conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to refine and pilot a set of planning tools that can be used to improve access of all students, including low-performing students with disabilities, to grade-level content. Wisconsin conducted this work as part of the Multi-state GSEG Consortium Toward a Defensible AA-MAS. The intent of this publication is to provide information about such tools so that other educators and planning teams can use them to develop plans that will lead to better access to academic content for all learners.
- Date
- September 2012
- Type
- Report
- Publisher
- National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)
- Collaborators
- Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
- Education practices (K12 and transition)
- Accommodations and supports
- Paraprofessional and teacher development
- Specific life stage
- Adolescents and young adults
- Children