The purpose of this tool is to provide information on the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for parents in the form of (a) a fact …
This project aims to create a common language and set of strategies for implementing positive behavior support across Maryland to increase quality of life and prevent challenging behaviors statewid…
Integrates developmental monitoring using Learn the Signs, Act Early (LTSAE) checklists into the Follow Along Program—a large statewide family-serving, home-visiting program—and develops a comprehe…
The Data Byte series highlights one data point from the Residential Information Systems Project (RISP). Data Bytes are brief, graphical summaries of one RISP research finding, published each month …
Choice making is an important aspect of everyone’s life in terms of fully becoming an adult within a democratic society. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are at risk …
In 2020, people participating in New York State’s self-direction plan were surveyed about their experiences with self-direction. One of the goals of the survey was to learn about the concerns …
In 2020, people participating in New York State’s self-direction plan were surveyed about their experiences with self-direction, including challenges people experience with self-direction, and …
In 2020, people participating in New York State’s self-direction plan were surveyed about their experiences with self-direction, including a question about training topics that they would like …
In 2020, people participating in New York State’s self-direction plan were surveyed to examine the sustainability of self-directed services: how families plan to navigate a self-directed model …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter featuring news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's first feature story is about a new survey from ICI and The Arc of the …
The Minnesota Inclusive Higher Education Consortium (MIHEC) is the state technical assistance center that supports the building, enhancing, and sustaining of inclusive postsecondary education …
The Family and Individual Needs for Disability Supports survey (FINDS) surveys family members of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities about their experiences providing supports …
This Policy Forum from October 3, 2023 discussed the Policy Research Brief titled, Institutional Bias in Long-Term Services and Supports for People with IDD . Slides from the presentation are …
Self-direction allows people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to control most aspects of their home- and community-based services. Other names that states use for self- …
Effective communication is a cornerstone for fostering collaboration, understanding, and ultimately, student success. Recognizing the importance of communication, we are featuring in this newslette…
The Transition to Retirement (TTR) book/eBook and video (Stancliffe et al., 2013; hereafter the TTR manual ) is an evidence-based Australian manual describing how to successfully implement the TTR …
The term polypharmacy refers to taking five or more medicines. Each state might define polypharmacy in different ways, including how many medicines a person must be taking to be considered overmedi…
Mainstream media does not use consistent language to talk about the role of direct support workers. This inconsistency makes it difficult to communicate the value and complexity of the direct …
Family members play essential roles in the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including providing medical, emotional, financial, and day-to-day support. Family …
This Fact Sheet provides educators with strategies that will help them engage culturally and linguistically diverse families and their children. These strategies can help overcome the challenges …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter featuring news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's first feature story is about the October 3 ICI Policy Forum on institution…
Medicaid requires states to provide institutional services to eligible Medicaid recipients, but allows states to have waiting lists for recipients preferring home and community based services. …
Book description: The recent increase in immigration patterns in the United States has meant an increase in the number of children whose first language is not English entering American schools. …Published: 2023
This chapter describes a federally-funded grant project to train West Virginia educators and parents on accessible assessment and instruction for K-12 English learners. West Virginia is a rural …
This video explains how the review of test data at State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) stakeholder meetings by parents and other stakeholders can support the development and implementation of …
This video provides a family-friendly definition of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) and explains how states, educators, and families can work together to ensure their SSIP addresses the …
This video discusses different types of tests and their objectives. It describes various test purposes, and their role in improving instruction and outcomes for students with disabilities through …
This video was designed to help families understand why assessments are a good opportunity for their children to show what they know, and for schools to better understand their children’s needs. …
This video was designed to help families understand why assessments are a good opportunity for their children to show what they know, and for schools to better understand their children’s needs. …
This video was designed to help families understand why assessments are a good opportunity for their children to show what they know, and for schools to better understand their children’s needs. …
Develops and expands on the Institute's Act Early work in culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Act Early is building a national network of agencies, organizations, and professionals …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter featuring news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. In this month's first feature story, ICI Director Amy Hewitt urges disparate segments …
This Empowering Families Toolkit was developed by National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) to provide accessible materials for parents about topics related to assessment-related State …
This Fact Sheet summarizes the resources that are available specifically to students who are English learners who take state tests. The more parents know about these test resources, the more they …
This Fact Sheet summarizes the resources that are available specifically to students who have a disability, an Individualized Education Program (IEP), or a 504 plan when they take state tests. The …Published: 8/14/2023
This Fact Sheet helps parents improve two-way communication with teachers, including guidance for families with students with disabilities and English learners. This Fact Sheet provides to help …
This Fact Sheet summarizes the purpose of state tests, and describes test resources that students may need. This Fact Sheet also provides parents with tips on how to work with teachers to access …
This flyer explains how the review of test data at State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) stakeholder meetings by parents and other stakeholders can support the development and implementation of …Published: August 2023
This flyer provides a family-friendly definition of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) and explains how states, educators, and families can work together to ensure their SSIP addresses the …
This flyer define the different types of tests and their objectives. It describes various test purposes, and their role in improving instruction and outcomes for all students. This flyer is part …
This flyer was designed to help families understand why assessments are a good opportunity for their children to show what they know, and for schools to better understand their children’s needs. …
We investigated socially inclusive participation in mainstream community groups and religious services by U.S. adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities using weighted secondary …
Two-time Frontline Initiative author Zoe Korengold, who is on the support response team (SRT) at Lionsgate Academy, reflects on how they handle situations with students who are experiencing big …
Frontline Initiative author LeAnn Bieber talks about how using tools such as a Health Care Person-Centered Profile and a one-page description can make a positive difference in how a medical …
Host Chet Tschetter discusses what “A Closer Look” is and what the listeners can expect. In this podcast, we will talk with the authors of recent issues of Frontline Initiative and really dig in …
This podcast series is for direct support professionals and frontline supervisors who want to learn more about best practices for supporting people with intellectual disability. The series explores…
"In Our Own Words: Improving Care for People with Disabilities" is a two-part series produced by Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid's Minnesota Disability Law Center. It is a series of insightful interviews …
"In Our Own Words: Improving Care for People with Disabilities" is a two-part series (Communication; Understanding) produced by Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid's Minnesota Disability Law Center. It is a …
This poster was prepared to illustrate a project under the National Center for College Students with Disabilities (NCCSD), a collaboration between ICI and the Association on Higher Education And …
Autistic adults participate less and express lower satisfaction in leisure activities than nonautistic adults, although literature is limited. The multifaceted nature of leisure participation …
Though there is evidence autism identification has been inequitable for populations who are culturally and linguistically minoritized, there is limited research that explains the issue of dispropor…
Existing research suggests that self-injurious behavior (SIB) is a relatively common interfering behavior that can occur across the lifespan of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We …
Social inclusion and exclusion are important to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We examine contemporary understanding of social inclusion, including sense of belonging, …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter featuring news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's feature stories are about a new video series and an upcoming Art for All …
Students’ learning and achievement in schools are regularly monitored formally and informally through classroom, district, and state assessments. School psychologists have a specialized understandi…
This report presents the findings of a study that looked at the relationship between states’ percentage of students participating in the alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement…
This report provides an update to previous analyses of the guidelines, definitions, and criteria states have developed for making decisions about alternate assessment based on alternate academic …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter featuring news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's feature stories are about two new publications and disability activism. …
Impact celebrates 35 years as a research-to-practice guide for the field of intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities. This issue in the Impact series features Amy Hewitt, director of …
The pandemic brought direct support professionals’ role of supporting peoples’ health and wellness to the forefront. DSPs had to slow down, take more precautions, and learn new ways to maintain …
Direct support professionals (DSPs) and frontline supervisors (FLSs) have critical roles in home and community-based services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Low wages …
The purpose of this study is to lay a foundation for illustrating the importance of longitudinal data collection by sharing the results of the Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) program in …
In this issue, we highlight some new NCEO products, as well as several upcoming events. The first article is about two new tools that can be used to develop state and district assessment participat…
Susan O’Nell, Aja Owens, and Stan Schmidt talk about mental health and the benefits of having a wellness recovery action plan. Below are links to some helpful resources and sources cited in this …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter featuring news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's feature stories are about ICI’s director supporting President Biden’s …
Objectives: Autism spectrum disorder (autism) is a heterogeneous condition that poses challenges in describing the needs of individuals with autism and making prognoses about future outcomes. We …
Background: We evaluated a transition to retirement intervention that adapted strategies used to support employment of people with intellectual disability in mainstream workplaces. The intervention…
Background : Deinstitutionalization research shows better services and outcomes relative to institutional life but has not compared formerly institutionalised and never-institutionalised service …
Federal and state policymakers, as well as educators, rely on the accommodations research literature to evaluate how accommodations should be used to improve accessibility for students with …
The purpose of this resource is to provide a tool for districts that wish to improve student assessment participation. The tool provides guidance on how district leaders can develop an assessment …
The purpose of this resource is to provide a tool for states that wish to improve student assessment participation. The tool provides guidance on how state leaders can develop an assessment …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter featuring news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's feature stories are about new autism prevalence rates, young adults with …
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