This issue features MTI's peer mentorship program which helps people with disabilities and their support networks as they explore job options. It also shares upcoming trainings and resources.
This issue features videos of a day and employment provider serving people with disabilities in rural Minnesota that decided to transition away from a center-based, subminimum wage service model …
This issue features a video about a Twin Cities organization that shifted from subminimum wage work and center-based employment to competitive, integrated employment opportunities chosen by their …
This issue features customized employment, a process that identifies the strengths and interests of the job-seeker and matches those with the needs of a business. The issue also shares upcoming trainings and resources.Published: March 2024
This issue shares the story and video of Udac, a Duluth employment service provider that won a national award for transforming its service model from center-based day and employment services to …
This monthly newsletter from ICI's Minnesota Transformation Initiative (MTI) shares upcoming trainings, featured resources, and stories from across the state about supporting people with disabiliti…
Prior epidemiological studies investigating the association between delivery mode (i.e., vaginal birth and cesarean section [C-section]) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disabili…
We examine the retirement of workers with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in developed countries, with research predominantly from North America and Australia. We propose that …
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) typically have better lives when they live on their own, with family, or in other community-based settings compared to institutions. …
Hosts Brian and Sherry are joined in the studio by their Institute on Community Integration colleague, Kathia Fernandez. Kathia shares a story from her time as an employment consultant when she …
In the second episode of Job Match Makers, Brian and Sherry are joined by their Minnesota Transformation Initiative colleague, Don Lavin. Don explains how he left his cousin Vinny behind in New …
In the first episode of Job Match Makers, hosts Brian Begin and Sherry Healey introduce the podcast, explain the objective of the Minnesota Transformation Initiative, and talk about their careers …Published: 10/7/2024
The Job Match Makers podcast shares stories from employment consultants about supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to find employment in their communities—one person, …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter features news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's first feature story is about the new issue of Impact (ICI's flagship …
This report contains the proceedings of a forum held on June 26, 2024 in Seattle, Washington to discuss issues surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and accessibility in education. A specific …
Employment & IDD lifts up National Disability Employment Awareness Month as a time to insist on more and better services to support people with disabilities to get and keep competitive jobs …
This Policy Forum, held on September 12, 2024, discusses the recent Policy Research Brief titled, The Unrestrained Use of Physical Restraints in Schools . Discussants include Anna Heinzerling, …
This Brief focuses on collaboration between special education and assessment offices, but other offices (e.g., curriculum and instruction, accountability) may also need to be involved. The Brief …
NCEO’s October 2024 newsletter features several new NCEO publications. The first article is about several reports published by a project affiliated with NCEO that share findings of research …
In 2020, there were an estimated 6.1 million children with intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, or developmental delays, of whom 11% were known to state IDD agencies. There were an …
In 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) launched the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule intended to improve the quality of HCBS for people with disabilities. …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter features news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. The first feature story describes the University of Minnesota’s TeleOutreach Hub, which …
This State Data Display Templates tool is designed to provide state education agencies with templates to use to display state assessment participation and student characteristics data for English …
The difficulties faced by youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families as they move into adulthood are widely documented. The aim of the paper is to explore the …
This scoping review fills the gap on key characteristics of interventions and trainings for direct support workforce (DSW) of adults across disabilities and aging adults. We included quantitative …
Transition to adulthood is often defined in traditional terms of transitioning to employment, post- secondary education, and community living. Based on the experiences of youth and young adults …
In 2020, almost a million people with IDD received HCBS waiver services with an average per-person expenditure of $49,787. Adults often live in non-family homes, so their waiver expenditures are …
Develop a family-centered model of transition service pathway coordination across education, healthcare, and vocational rehabilitation for young Minnesota adults with epilepsy and/or co-occurring …
This project estimates the prevalence of spina bifida (SB) across the lifespan in Minnesota. SB is a congenital disability that results in complex needs and functional limitations that require …
The English Learners with Disabilities Toolkit is designed to provide states and IEP teams with tools they can use to better understand their students who are English learners with disabilities …
This tool is designed to provide state education agencies (SEAs), particularly assessment staff, with templates to use to display data on the characteristics of English learners with disabilities. …
This report presents a synthesis of the research literature published in 2022 on testing accommodations for U.S. elementary and secondary students (K–12). The National Center on Educational …
This report presents the findings of interviews that were conducted with parents of students who moved from the alternate assessment based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS) to …
As youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are transitioning from the school systems and special education supports, many of them are moving into the adult service system (e.g …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter features news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. The first feature story concerns ICI and others urging federal officials to create a …
This research is intended to confront ableism in healthcare for people with disabilities. The investigators have designed research aims and strategies to reduce implicit bias in the practice of …
This report presents the findings of a study that examined the successes and barriers that teachers faced when instructing students with disabilities who have moved from the alternate assessment …
This report presents the findings of online focus groups conducted with teachers to learn more about their experiences using multiple measures to inform instructional decision making for students …
Addiction & IDD calls attention to the disparities people with disabilities live with if they also have substance use disorder or problems with gambling, video games, excessive sugar consumption …
Receiving education and training that lead to a meaningful job, having a career, and being a valued contributor to a professional environment is taken for granted by many. Historically, however, …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter features news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's first feature story is about David Johnson (1951–2024) and his commitment …
The U.S. Department of Education defines physical restraints as a restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability to move torso, arms, legs, or head freely. Because of the inherent dangers of …
This webinar presents research on teachers’ preferences for and perceptions of accommodations, as well as suggestions for how to incorporate these into accommodations decision-making (see NCEO …
The University of Kansas developed the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI), which teachers use to enable students to set goals, choose, plan, and track progress toward goals. ICI …
These services will strengthen Maryland's direct support workforce through professional development, competency-based training, and a credentialing system. The Training Policy Framework for DSPs ( …
This project develops the Minnesota Principal Leadership for Inclusive Education Manual , an online resource to support school principals in envisioning, designing, and implementing inclusive …
MN ACT Early has partnered with Help Me Grow to increase the number of children referred to early intervention, evaluation, and services. Help Me Grow works with culturally and linguistically …
This interactive report presents information on the percentage students with disabilities who are also English learners, and the proportion of these students by disability category for school …
This report provides a snapshot of the participation and performance of students receiving special education services on statewide reading/language arts and mathematics assessments for 2021-22. …
The ability of healthcare practitioners to communicate effectively with their patients is critical. This project aims to identify best practices in providing health-related communication that …
This report presents the findings of an analysis of states’ Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Consolidated State Plans in regards to the 95% participation requirement. …Published: June 2024
This state discussion guide is designed to facilitate discussions within state education agencies about how to create and sustain a balanced assessment system that is inclusive of all students, …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter features news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's first feature story is about a powerful new video series, filmed by ICI …Published: June 2024
This book documents special education teachers' role in Minnesota history from the 1840s until 2023. Few special education teachers were trained before a 1957 state law required services for all …
In the United States, direct support professionals (DSPs) support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) so they can live in the community. Thirty years of deinstitutionaliza…
NCEO’s June 2024 newsletter features several NCEO resources that address accommodations. Articles highlight several resources on student and teacher perspectives about accommodations, what the …
Representatives of various Minnesota state agencies give a May 2024 update on statewide initiatives that support the transition of workers with disabilities from subminimum wage jobs to competitive…
This video is the first in an empowerment series for self-advocates. This educational set of videos highlights the importance of providing information to people with developmental disabilities and …
Medicaid Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IIDs) are institutions where four to 500 people live and get support. Use of these facilities is declining …
When adults want a relationship with each other, they should make choices together about what the relationship should look like. This consent helps both people feel good about the relationship. …
A narrator and self-advocates explain that everyone's sexuality is unique to them, and that is true whether they have disabilities or not. There are different types of sexual feelings, and while …
For people with developmental disabilities, being a sexual self-advocate is about speaking up for what they want in their lives, how they dress, and having relationships and sexual experiences. It …
The Institute's monthly staff newsletter features news of recent activities, accomplishments, and resources. This month's first feature story is about ICI's work on a University of Minnesota team …
There has been a paradigm shift from accommodations to the identification of levels of accessibility (e.g., universal features, designated features, and accommodations). A consequence of this …
This educational set of videos highlights the importance of providing information to people with developmental disabilities and supporting them in their sexual self-advocacy.
Background : No data exist at the population level on what tests are used to aid in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in community practice. Objectives: To describe autism spectrum disorder…
In this convergent mixed methods design study, single-subject and qualitative data were collected concurrently to provide an in-depth picture of the impact of a modified schema-based instructional …
College is an enormous growth opportunity in the lives of all students. Inclusive higher education initiatives for students with intellectual disability can promote this growth by supporting …
Helping students with intellectual and developmental disabilities prepare for inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) is best addressed with a team approach. Equipping students and their support …
In 1967, 29.1% of adults with IDD in the U.S. lived in large state-run institutions, while most others resided with family. By 2020, only 0.7% lived in such facilities, with an additional 1.9% in …
This webinar presents research on students’ preferences for accommodations as well as suggestions for how to incorporate these preferences and perceptions into accommodations decision-making …Published: 4/24/2024
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