Interventions Used with the Direct Support Workforce in Home and Community-Based Settings: A Scoping Review


This scoping review fills the gap on key characteristics of interventions and trainings for direct support workforce (DSW) of adults across disabilities and aging adults. We included quantitative and qualitative studies examining the impact of interventions in home and community-based settings in the United States or internationally and published in English since 1990. We initially identified 2,551 titles and completed final data extraction on 65 articles. Most of the studies were quantitative. The interventions reviewed were diverse, including Active support, Positive Behavior Support, and DSW stress reduction. We concluded that there is a need to conduct high-quality research focused on DSW well-being and their feeling of being valued to inform the field on how to best select and retain them.

Suggested Citation

Tichá, R., Kramme, J. E. D., Smith, J. G., Farrington, M., Lopp, M., Abery, B. H., Cakir-Dilek, B., & Nyce, A. (2024). Interventions Used With Direct Support Workforce of Adults With Disabilities in Home and Community-Based Settings: A Scoping Review. Inclusion, 12(3), 201–222.


Peer-Reviewed Article 
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


  • Direct support workforce
    • Training
  • Housing and residential services
    • Community group residential
    • Family supports/in-home services