Enhancing Secondary/Transition Outcomes Using Check and Connect with the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction


The University of Kansas developed the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI), which teachers use to enable students to set goals, choose, plan, and track progress toward goals. ICI developed the Check & Connect (C&C) intervention model to promote students' engagement with school, reduce dropout, and increase school completion. This project combines, implements, and evaluates a large-scale C&C + SDLMI intervention.

C&C staff will support the project by participating in team management meetings to review progress on specific tasks and activities. They begin by recruiting teachers and schools that already use C&C in Georgia and then randomly assigning schools to continue with C&C only (the business-as-usual condition) or the new C&C + SDLMI intervention. C&C staff will further support the project through training, data collection and analysis, and dissemination.

Eileen A Klemm
Eileen A Klemm
Subcontract from
University of Kansas
Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education
University of Kansas


Eileen A Klemm :: National Training Director

Sonya Eorio :: Education Program Manager 2


  • Education practices (K12 and transition)
    • Dropout prevention and student engagement
    • Instructional strategies