June 2024
Cover of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities academic journal.

ICI Director Amy Hewitt and numerous colleagues helped create the June 2024 issue of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, a publication of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD). The project began in September 2022, with a virtual gathering of leaders within and outside the IDD field to discuss and summarize the current state of knowledge and identify a platform of national goals for research, practice, and policy in community living for persons with IDD from underserved racial, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural communities. ICI’s Hewitt, Julie Bershadsky, and others collaborated with the Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence to host the virtual event. Hewitt served as editor for the issue, and Sandra Pettingell was assistant editor. Articles in the issue challenge readers to better understand the issues of equity and disparities, and embrace recommendations for future research that include co-creation by people with IDD from minoritized communities.