November 2023
Sheryl Larson is indoors, smiling at the camera and leaning her elbow on a windowsill. The window looks out to a sunlit landscape.

Sheryl Larson is director of ICI’s Residential Information Systems Project.

The website of ICI’s longest-running research study— the Residential Information Systems Project (RISP)—was updated to be easier to use. RISP’s new homepage has links to five key questions and to project announcements, Policy Research Briefs, publications, state profiles, infographics, and customizable graphs. Visitors can sign up to receive updates. “We wanted to make it easy for people with disabilities, families, and others to find answers to their questions. Clicking on a key question takes the reader to a graphic and plain language answer,” RISP director Sheryl Larson said.

Since 1977, RISP has gathered, maintained, and analyzed longitudinal data on Medicaid-funded long-term supports and services (LTSS) for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It describes state and national trends in where LTSS recipients live, examines the impact of Medicaid and other federal policies on state systems, and informs research, legislation, litigation, and policy. The project is part of ICI’s Community Living and Employment program area. A Longitudinal Data Project of National Significance, RISP is funded by the Administration on Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with supplemental funding from the National Institutes on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation.