• Research Manager
  • Director, Residential Information Systems Project
+1 612-624-6024
+1 612-625-6619
Institute On Community Integration
Rm 1-338 [map]
2025 E River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Sheryl A. Larson, PhD, began providing services to persons with disabilities in 1981. She has been a residential counselor, behavior analyst, program evaluator, consultant, personal advocate and researcher. Dr. Larson earned a B.A. in Psychology and Elementary Education from Bethel University in St. Paul, MN, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota.

Sherri is the Director of the Residential Information Systems Project, and a Principal Investigator in the Research and Training Center on Community Living (U of M) where she has worked since 1988. Dr. Larson directs research projects on long-term supports and services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Among her 48 grant funded projects are evaluation studies, survey and intervention research, secondary analysis of large data sets and research synthesis on long-term supports and services, access to health care, disability statistics, and disability services.

Sherri has authored or coauthored more than 130 books, book chapters, Journal articles and technical reports, and other products. She is a fellow of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) and the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID). She serves as a reviewer for several professional journals and on grant review panels for several federal agencies.

Curriculum Vitae (pdf)




Offers a suite of competency-based, online curricula for professionals providing services to people with intellectual, developmental, physical, and psychiatric disabilities, and to older adults....


National Core Indicators Field Initiated Projects Program: Advance Exploration of Factors Affecting Quality of Life Outcomes of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Used the data sets from the National Core Indicators (NCI) Program with the expertise of the project team to advance disability and rehabilitation research and disseminate and translate results …


Research and Training Center on Community Living (RTC-CL)

Conducts a wide range of research, training, and technical assistance and dissemination projects related to community supports under its center grant and related project funding. The RTC-CL is …


Residential Information Systems Project (RISP)

Examines the status of, and longitudinal trends in, provision of institutional and home and community based long-term supports and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabiliti…


In-Home and Residential Long-Term Supports and Services for Persons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends Through 2016

A report describing the status of, and trends in, long-term supports and services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities in the U.S. on June 30, 2016. It is based on an annual …

Published: 2018

DD Data Brief: Characteristics of Aging Caregivers in the NHIS-D

A brief summarizing findings from the National Health Interview Survey Disability Supplement conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, National Center on Health Statistics in 1994 and 1995. It …

Published: July 2006

DD Data Brief: Mothers with Disabilities - Characteristics and Outcomes: An Analysis From the 1994/1995 NHIS-D

A brief summarizing findings from the National Health Interview Survey conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, National Center on Health Statistics in 1994 and 1995. In these years, 202,560 …

Published: December 2005

DD Data Brief: Social Activities of Non-Institutionalized Adults in the NHIS-D: Gender, Age, and Disability Differences

A follow-up brief to issue 3(1) describing the social activities of adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (ID/DD) using the National Health Interview Survey Disability Suppleme…

Published: September 2005

DD Data Brief: Problems in Defining Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability: Using the National Health Interview Survey

A brief offering a second look at the 1997-2004 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and its usefulness in describing the characteristics and needs of persons with intellectual or developmental …

Published: June 2005

DD Data Brief: Response Patterns Among Adult Respondents with Mental Retardation in the National Health Interview Survey, 1997-2002

A brief representing a departure from previous issues in the series, which have focused on the characteristics and needs of persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities (ID/DD) in the …

Published: July 2004

DD Data Brief: Gender, Age, and Disability Differences in Functional Limitations for Non-Institutionalized Adults in the NHIS-D

A brief summarizing findings from the National Health Interview Survey conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, National Center on Health Statistics, in 1994 and 1995, which included a Disabilit…

Published: January 2004

DD Data Brief: Service Use by and Needs of Adults with Functional Limitations or ID/DD in the NHIS-D: Difference by Age, Gender, and Disability

A brief summarizing findings from the National Health Interview Survey on Disability conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, National Center on Health Statistics in 1994 and 1995. It is an …

Published: December 2003

DD Data Brief: Health Insurance Coverage and Health Care Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in the NHIS-D

A brief describing the experiences with public and private health insurance coverage for people with functional limitations, people with IDD, and people who do not have IDD or functional limitation…

Published: May 2003

DD Data Brief: Children with Disabilities: Social Roles and Family Impacts

A brief using the 1994-1995 Child Disability Follow-Back Survey (DFS) of the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) to examine the characteristics of children between the ages of 6 and 17 who …

Published: August 2002

DD Data Brief: Functional Limitations of Adults in the U.S. Non-Institutionalized Population: NHIS-D Analysis

A brief comparing the demographic characteristics, health status, functional limitations, and perceived disability status for adults in three groups who had mental retardation and/or developmental …

Published: October 2001

DD Data Brief: Demographic Characteristics of Persons with MR/DD Living in Their Own Homes or With Family Members

A brief describing people with mental retardation and/or developmental disabilities (MR/ DD) living in the community in terms of demographic characteristics and economic status. Those characteristi…

Published: June 2001

DD Data Brief: Characteristics of and Service Use by Persons With MR/DD Living in Their Own Homes or With Family Members

A brief describing people with MR/DD living in the community in terms of basic demographic characteristics, functional and other limitations, residential services history, medical services received…

Published: April 2001

NCEO Synthesis Reports: States' Participation Guidelines for Alternate Assessments Based on Modified Academic Achievement Standards (AA-MAS) in 2009 (#75)

A report updating information in previous National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) reports that, since 2007, have annually compiled, analyzed, and summarized states' participation guidelines …

Published: March 2010

Partnerships for Success - Curricula for Supervisors, Managers, and Administrative Staff: Removing the Revolving Door - Strategies to Address Recruitment and Retention Challenges

A curriculum targeting frontline supervisors and managers regarding the use of effective recruitment, retention, and training strategies. Includes Facilitator Guide and Learner Guide.

Published: 2001

Policy Research Brief: Most People with IDD Getting Long-term Supports Live with a Family Member

Most people with IDD, whether they get funded support or not, live with family members throughout their lives. This Policy Research Brief describes living arrangements for people with IDD, trends …

Published: October 2022

Policy Research Brief: Behavioral Outcomes of Deinstitutionalization for People with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities - Third Decennial Review of U.S. Studies, 1977-2010

A brief reviewing U.S. studies that have measured behavioral outcomes associated with the movement of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities from institutions to community …

Published: April 2011

Long-Term Services and Supports

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) often rely on long-term services and supports (LTSS) to live and work in the community or with their families. As policy reforms …

Published: 2015

Identifying people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in national population surveys

Public health and policy planning for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) is imperiled by the lack of ongoing national surveillance data on prevalence and health status. …

Published: 2019-10-01

FAST Family Support Survey [2010]: National Results

A report summarizing the results of the FAST Family Support Survey, a 2010 national Internet survey of 2,416 parents or relatives of children and youth ages 11 years to 39 years with disabilities …

Published: 2011

Partnerships for Success - Curricula for Supervisors, Managers, and Administrative Staff: The Peer Empowerment Program (PEP): A Complete Toolkit for Planning and Implementing Mentoring Programs Within Community-Based Human Services Organizations

A planning guide and curriculum for supervisors and agency staff focusing on socialization and skill development for all employees. Includes Program Coordinator Guide, Facilitator Guide, and …

Published: 2001

National Frontline Supervisor Competencies

A nationally validated set of 11 competency areas, known as the National Frontline Supervisor Competencies, guiding the work of frontline supervisors in the direct support workforce.

Published: April 2013

Frontline Supervisor Structured Behavioral Interview Questions

A set of behavioral and situational interview questions gauging the knowledge of external frontline supervisor candidates about the 11 competencies identified in the National Frontline Supervisor …

Published: April 2013

Frontline Supervisor Assessment

A test helping frontline supervisors and frontline supervisor candidates to evaluate their current performance level and create a self-development plan. Known as the Frontline Supervisor Assessment…

Published: April 2013

FINDS [2010] National Survey

A report covering the national Internet survey that The Arc of the United States conducted in 2010 that aimed to capture the perspectives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities …

Published: 2011

Staff Recruitment, Retention, & Training Strategies for Community Human Services Organizations

A 15-chapter textbook and how-to-guide helping organizations to select and implement strategies that address the challenges of recruiting, retaining, and training direct support professionals.Published: 2012

Assessing Retention Outcomes

A document and form helping Direct Support managers to determine their staff turnover and vacancy rates. This, in turn, allows them to choose retention strategies, identify reasons for agency …

Published: 2000

Supporting Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and their Families: Status and Trends Through 2012

A technical report describing results from a survey of state intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) agencies for FY 2012 on the status and trends of long-term supports and services for …

Published: 2014

Policy Research Brief: Family Support Services in the United States: 2008

A brief providing a state-by-state summary of services supporting individuals with disabilities living in the family home. Data presented are based on the State of the States in Developmental …

Published: May 2009

Policy Research Brief: Implementation of Consumer-Directed Services for Persons With Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities - A National Study

A brief summarizing the results of a national study on the status of consumer-directed services for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The study was conducted at the Universit…

Published: January 2009

Active Support training, staff assistance, and engagement of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the United States: Randomized controlled trial

Two non-U.S. quasi-experimental studies reported Active Support training was associated with increased engagement in individuals with IDD, but no randomized controlled trials (RCTs) exist. We …

Published: 2019-03-01

Policy Research Brief: Innovative Models and Best Practices in Case Management and Support Coordination

A brief describing models, innovations, and best practices in case management and support coordination for persons with disabilities. The approaches presented were identified during a study …

Published: April 2008

Policy Research Brief: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities in Relation to SSI Redetermination

A brief presenting selected findings from a study and literature review describing the experiences of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients and nonrecipients and their families in relation …

Published: July 2007

Policy Research Brief: The Inclusion of Disability as Grounds for Termination of Parental Rights in State Codes

A brief examining state policies regarding termination of parental rights, focusing on the extent to which states use disability status as grounds for termination.

Published: October 2006

Policy Research Brief: Family Support Service in the United States

A brief providing an overview of family support services in the states based on data gathered for the State of the States in Developmental Disabilities Project, a longitudinal study of public …

Published: February 2006

Policy Research Brief: Status of Institutional Closure Efforts in 2005

A brief examining and summarizing the research and policy issues that state policymakers may face as they consider whether to increase, reduce, or close institutions in their own states.

Published: September 2005

Policy Research Brief: Behavioral Outcomes of Deinstitutionalization for People with Intellectual Disabilities - A Review of Studies Conducted Between 1980 and 1999

A brief reporting the results from a review of 38 published studies that measured behavioral outcomes associated with the movement of people with mental retardation from public institutions to …

Published: October 1999

Final Report: National Training Institute for Frontline Supervisors

A report describing a project that refined, tested, and delivered a "Train-the-Trainer" model to the National Training Institute for Frontline Supervisors. The project also provided a distributed...

Published: 2007

National Validation Study of Competencies For Frontline Supervisors and Direct Support Professionals

A report examining organizational workforce outcomes; characteristics of and differences between managers, Frontline Supervisors (FLS) and Direct Support Professionals (DSPs); and workplace...

Published: 2007

Supporting Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and their Families: Status and Trends through 2014

A report summarizing statistics that were gathered and analyzed for the Supporting Individuals and Families Information Systems Project (FISP). It includes information about the numbers of, and …

Published: 2016

You Know That it's Got to be Dedication That I am Still Here: The Experiences of Direct Support Professionals During Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and Aftermath

A report describing the experiences of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who worked in New Orleans between August 2005 and May 2006 - before, during, and after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. In …

Published: 2007

Higher Ground: The Dedication of Direct Support Professionals During and After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (Brief)

A brief summarizing the report, You Know that it's Got to be Dedication that I am Still Here: The Experiences of Direct Support Professionals During Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the Aftermath …

Published: 2007

In-Home and Residential Long-Term Supports and Services for Persons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends through 2014

A report describing the status of, and trends in, long-term supports and services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities in the U.S. on June 30, 2014. It is based on an annual …

Published: 2017

In-Home and Residential Long-Term Supports and Services for Persons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends Through 2015

A report describing the status of, and trends in, long-term supports and services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities in the U.S. on June 30, 2015. It is based on an annual...

Published: 2017

Unmet needs and quality of support for parents of transition aged youth: Differences by disability group, age and household income

This study examined access to and quality of supports for families of adolescents with disabilities.Methodology: An online survey was completed by family members of transition-aged young adults …

Published: 2013-12-27

Long-term Supports and Services for Persons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends Through 2019

Ever wonder how many people in the United States have intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD), how many of them get publicly funded supports from state IDD agencies, or where people …

Published: 2022

RISP Data Bytes: Jails, Prisons, and Large State Institutions

Many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who live in state-run facilities of 16 or more people have had previous criminal involvement. In 2019, 29% of people admitted to …

Published: 2024

Correlates of Everyday Choice and Support-Related Choice for 8,892 Randomly Sampled Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in 19 States

This article examines everyday choices made by 8,892 adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and support-related choices made by 6,179 adults with IDD receiving services from …

Published: 2012

RISP Data Bytes: More People with IDD get Services in Homes Shared by Three or Fewer People

ICI's Residential Information Systems Project (RISP) gets information each year from state IDD agencies about the places where people with IDD live. In 1977, 247,780 people with IDD lived in large …

Published: 2023

The State of the Science of Health and Wellness for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Historically, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have experienced health disparities related to several factors including: a lack of access to high quality medical care, …

Published: 2013

RISP Data Bytes: Changes in Spending for Long-term Services and Supports between 1982 and 2019

Since 1982, the number of individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) receiving services in community settings has surged, while those in Medicaid-funded IDD institutions …

Published: 2024

RISP Data Bytes: Most People in Large IDD Facilities Now Live in Settings Operated by Nonstate Providers

In 1967, almost 200,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) lived in large state institutions. Initially, those leaving state facilities moved to non-state ones. Starting …

Published: 2023

Long-Term Supports and Services

Long-term supports and services (LTSS) facilitate a person’s full participation in daily tasks such as dressing, bathing, and eating; household activities such as shopping, cooking, and cleaning; …

Published: 2018

RISP Data Bytes: Caseloads versus People Receiving Services

The number of people known to state IDD agencies and the number receiving services increased 21% from 2013 to 2020. In 2020, 85% of the people known to state IDD agencies got one or more services …

Published: 2024

Policy Research Brief: Are Large Institutions for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities a Thing of the Past?

The large, often miserable, state-run institutions that used to house people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) are closing as people with IDD increasingly live in community. …

Published: June 2022


Most people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (ID/DD) in the United States live with family members or in homes they own or lease, alone or with friends. They receive support from …

Published: 2018

Policy Forum: Overrepresentation of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Moving Between Large State-run Institutions and the Criminal Legal System

This Policy Forum from February 14, 2023 discussed the Policy Research Brief titled, Overrepresentation of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Moving Between Large State-run …

Published: 2/14/2023

Policy Research Brief: The Unrestrained Use of Physical Restraints in Schools

The U.S. Department of Education defines physical restraints as a restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability to move torso, arms, legs, or head freely. Because of the inherent dangers of …

Published: July 2024

A systematic review of U.S. studies on the prevalence of intellectual or developmental disabilities since 2000

This systematic review examined 14 U.S. studies published since 2000 reporting prevalence estimates for intellectual disability (ID) or developmental disability (DD). Prevalence rates for children …

Published: 2019-10-01

Policy Forum: Are Large Institutions for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities a Thing of the Past?

This Policy Forum from June 23, 2022 discusses the recent Policy Research Brief titled, Are Large Institutions for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities a Thing of the Past? …

Published: 6/23/2022

Behavioral Outcomes of Moving From Institutional to Community Living for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: U.S. Studies From 1977 to 2010

This article reviews 43 U.S. studies assessing adaptive and challenging behavior outcomes associated with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who moved from institutions …

Published: 2012

Long-term supports and services for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities: Status and trends through 2018

Ever wonder how many people in the United States have intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD), how many of them get publicly-funded supports from state IDD agencies, or where people …

Published: 2021

Policy Forum: Most People with IDD Getting Long-term Supports Live with a Family Member

This Policy Forum from November 1, 2022 discusses the recent Policy Research Brief titled, Most People with IDD Getting Long-term Supports Live with a Family Member . Slides from the presentation …

Published: 11/1/2022

Policy Research Brief: Institutionalization Bias in Long-Term Services and Supports for People with IDD

Medicaid requires states to provide institutional services to eligible Medicaid recipients, but allows states to have waiting lists for recipients preferring home and community based services. …

Published: September 2023

Policy Forum: Institutional Bias in Long-Term Services and Supports for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

This Policy Forum from October 3, 2023 discussed the Policy Research Brief titled, Institutional Bias in Long-Term Services and Supports for People with IDD . Slides from the presentation are …

Published: 10/3/2023

RISP Data Bytes: Institutionalized Adults with IDD, 1967 to 2020

In 1967, 29.1% of adults with IDD in the U.S. lived in large state-run institutions, while most others resided with family. By 2020, only 0.7% lived in such facilities, with an additional 1.9% in …

Published: 2024

Long-Term Supports and Services for People with IDD: Research, Practice and Policy Implications

Key Findings: In the United States family members are the primary providers of long-term services and supports (LTSS) for people with IDD. More than three of every four people with IDD of all ages …

Published: 2016

Accommodations Toolkit: Multiple Days: Research

This fact sheet on testing over multiple days is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO). It summarizes information and research findings …

Published: 8/31/2021

RISP Data Bytes: Fewer People with IDD Live in ICF/IIDs, But Progress is Not Equal

Medicaid Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IIDs) are institutions where four to 500 people live and get support. Use of these facilities is declining …

Published: 2024

Physical Disability and Health Disparities

Individuals with ambulatory disabilities or mobility limitations comprise approximately 7% of the US population ages 5 and older. Persons with mobility limitations/physical disabilities are more …

Published: 2/12/2021

In-home and residential long-term supports and services for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities: Status and trends through 2017

Ever wonder how many people in the United States have IDD or what proportion of them received federal- or state-funded supports? The 2020 report from the Residential Information Systems Project …

Published: 2020


  • Direct support workforce
    • Supervision and mentoring
    • Human resources and management
    • Retention and recruitment
    • Workforce development strategies
  • Community life
    • Community supports and services
    • Quality outcomes
  • Specific life stage
    • Adolescents and young adults
    • Adults
  • Housing and residential services
    • Community group residential
    • Family supports/in-home services
    • Institutions and deinstitutionalization
    • Medicaid services (residential)
  • Employment and postsecondary education
    • Day training and habilitation
  • Health and safety
    • Health and wellness
    • Healthcare
  • Specific disability
    • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
    • Intellectual/developmental disability (IDD)
    • Multiple disabilities
    • Physical disability


  • Research
  • Training and professional development
  • Technical assistance
  • Evaluation
  • Dissemination