NCEO Reports
- Managing Editor(s)
- Michael L Moore
A series of reports examining assessment and standards and accountability issues as they pertain to students with disabilities, English learners, and English learners with disabilities.
- Date
- January 2025
In publication since February 2016 - Type
- Report
- Publisher
- National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)
- Collaborators
- Council of Chief State School Officers
- National Association of State Directors of Special Education
- NCEO Reports: Developing Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for Interim Assessments that Include All Students (#445)
- NCEO Reports: A Summary of the Research on the Effects of K–12 Test Accommodations: 2022 (#444)
- NCEO Reports: Two Pieces of a Puzzle: The 95% Participation Requirement in State Plans and States’ Opt-out Policies (#443)
- NCEO Reports: Universal Design and K-12 Academic Assessments: A Scoping Review of the Literature (#442)
- NCEO Reports: Revisiting the Meaning of “Reduced Depth, Breadth, and Complexity” for AA-AAAS (#441)
- NCEO Reports: 2021-22 Participation Guidelines and Definitions for Alternate Assessments Based on Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (#440)
- NCEO Reports: The Relationship between Student Placement and AA-AAAS Participation Rates (#439)
- NCEO Reports: A Summary of the Research on the Effects of K–12 Test Accommodations: 2021 (#438)
- NCEO Reports: State Requirements for Test Administrators, Proctors, and Accommodations Providers Who Administer Tests to Students with Disabilities, English Learners, and English Learners with Disabilities (#437)
- NCEO Reports: A Summary of the Research on the Effects of K–12 Test Accommodations: 2020 (#436)
- NCEO Reports: The Formative Assessment Practices Landscape for Students with Disabilities: An Analysis of State Definitions and Practices, 2021 (#435)
- NCEO Reports: Test Security and Students with Disabilities: An Analysis of States’ 2020-21 Test Security Policies (#434)
- NCEO Reports: A Summary of the Research on the Effects of K–12 Test Accommodations: 2019 (#433)
- NCEO Reports: State Approaches to Monitoring AA-AAAS Participation Decisions (#432)
- NCEO Reports: An Updated State Guide to Universally Designed Assessments (#431)
- NCEO Reports: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Experiences with Accessibility and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (#430)
- NCEO Reports: The 95 Percent State Assessment Participation Requirement: Current Landscape, State Challenges, and Recommended Strategies (#429)
- NCEO Reports: 2018-19 Publicly Reported Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities and English Learners with Disabilities (#428)
- NCEO Reports: Using Interim Assessments to Appropriately Measure What Students with Disabilities Know and Can Do: Advisory Panel Takeaways and NCEO Recommendations (#427)
- NCEO Reports: The Role of Assessment Data in State Systemic Improvement Plans (SSIPs): An Analysis of FFY 2018 SSIPs (#425)
- NCEO Reports: Updated Assessment Principles and Guidelines for English Learners with Disabilities (#424)
- NCEO Reports: A Summary of the Research on the Effects of K–12 Test Accommodations: 2018 (#423)
- NCEO Reports: A Literature Review on Evidence-Based Literacy Assessment and Instruction Practices for English Learners with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (#422)
- NCEO Reports: State Spotlights: Reducing AA-AAAS State-Level Participation Rates to Meet the 1.0% Threshold, 2016-17 to 2017-18 (#421)
- NCEO Reports: Guidebook to Including Students with Disabilities and English Learners in Assessments (#420)
- NCEO Reports: 2017-18 Publicly Reported Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities and English Learners with Disabilities (#419)
- NCEO Reports: A Summary of the Research on the Effects of K–12 Test Accommodations: 2017 (#418)
- NCEO Reports: Text-to-Speech Accommodation Policies in 2018-19 (#417)
- NCEO Reports: A Summary of the Research on Effects of Test Accommodations: 2015-2016 (#412)
- NCEO Reports: 2018-19 Participation Guidelines and Definitions for Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (#415)
- NCEO Reports: 2016-17 Publicly Reported Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities and ELs with Disabilities (#411)
- NCEO Reports: Status of State-Defined Alternate Diplomas in 2018-19 (#416)
- NCEO Reports: A Review of the Literature on Computerized Speech-to-Text Accommodations (#414)
- NCEO Reports: Students with Disabilities in Educational Policy, Practice, and Professional Judgment: What Should We Expect? (#413)
- NCEO Reports: Guidance Manuals for Educators of English Learners with Disabilities: Ideas and Lessons from the Field (#410)
- NCEO Reports: Diploma Options, Graduation Requirements, and Exit Exams for Youth with Disabilities: 2017 National Study (#409)
- NCEO Reports: 2015-16 Publicly Reported Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities and ELs with Disabilities (#407)
- NCEO Reports: A Review of the Literature on Measuring English Language Proficiency Progress of English Learners with Disabilities and English Learners (#408)
- NCEO Reports: Alternate Assessments for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Participation Guidelines and Definitions (#406)
- NCEO Reports: 2014-15 Publicly Reported Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities and ELs with Disabilities (#405)
- NCEO Reports: Providing English Language Development Services to English Learners with Disabilities: Approaches to Making Exit Decisions (NCEO Report 404)
- NCEO Reports: 2015-16 High School Assessment Accommodations Policies: An Analysis of ACT, SAT, PARCC, and Smarter Balanced (#403)
- NCEO Reports: A Summary of the Research on the Effects of Test Accommodations: 2013-2014 (#402)
- NCEO Reports: Principios y Características de Sistemas Inclusivos de Evaluación en un Escenario de Evaluación Cambiante (#400 Spanish)
- NCEO Reports: 2013-14 Publicly Reported Assessment Results for Students with Disabilities and ELLs with Disabilities (#401)
- NCEO Reports: Principles and Characteristics of Inclusive Assessment Systems in a Changing Assessment Landscape (#400)
- Educational accountability and assessment
- Accessibility & Accommodations
- Assessment (large-scale, alternate)
- Assessment Participation
- Assessment Reporting
- Blind/Visual Impairments
- College & Career Ready Standards
- Content Areas
- Deaf/Hearing Impairments
- Diplomas and Graduation Requirements
- Educator Evaluation
- English Learners
- English Learners with Disabilities
- Flexibility Waivers
- Instruction
- Intellectual/Cognitive Disability
- Learning disabilities
- Out-of-Level Testing
- Parents & Families
- Policy
- Standards and Accountability
- Standards-based IEPs
- State Surveys
- Students with Disabilities
- Teacher Evaluation
- Technology-based Assessments
- Test Design
- Test Security
- Universal Design