NCEO Reports: The Role of Assessment Data in State Systemic Improvement Plans (SSIPs): An Analysis of FFY 2018 SSIPs (#425)
- Author(s)
- Sheryl Lazarus, Susan A. Hayes, Katherine Nagle, Kristin K Liu PhD, Martha L Thurlow, Michael J Dosedel, Marianna K Quanbeck, Rachel Olson
This report presents the findings of an analysis of states’ FFY 2018 State Systemic Improvement Plans (SSIPs), submitted to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in April 2020. It specifically addresses how assessments were included in states’ State-Identified Measurable Results (SIMRs). For states with assessment-related SIMRs, SSIP evaluation plans were also analyzed to see how assessments were being used for evaluation and reporting. The SSIPs for both regular states (e.g., Alabama, Wyoming, etc.) and unique states (e.g., Guam, Federated States of Micronesia, etc.) were analyzed. As part of OSEP’s new federal accountability framework, Results Driven Accountability (RDA), states are required to develop an SSIP, which is a comprehensive, multi-year plan designed to improve outcomes for children with disabilities, and within this plan, to commit to improving a SIMR focused on student outcomes. Many, but not all states, specified SIMRs that use assessment data as the outcome measure.
- Date
- February 2021
- Type
- Report
- Edition
- Number 425
- Contact
- Michael L Moore or +1 612-626-0546
- Publisher
- National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)
- Educational accountability and assessment
- Alternate Assessments
- Assessment Reporting
- Standards and Accountability
- Students with Disabilities