NCEO Reports: Students with Disabilities in Educational Policy, Practice, and Professional Judgment: What Should We Expect? (#413)
Part of the NCEO Reports series.
- Author(s)
- Rachel F Quenemoen, Martha L Thurlow
This report provides a cross-disciplinary look at educational policy, practice, and law related to expectations for students with disabilities. It addresses three questions critical to a discussion of expectations for students with disabilities, viewing the questions from an educational perspective and a legal perspective. The report concludes with responses to each of the questions and then provides recommendations for action based on what thoughtful, informed professional judgment of appropriate educational opportunities for students with disabilities should be.
- Date
- May 2019
- Type
- Report
- Edition
- Number 413
- Publisher
- National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)
- Educational accountability and assessment
- Alternate Assessments
- Assessment Participation
- Instruction
- Standards and Accountability
- Students with Disabilities