NCEO Reports: Diploma Options, Graduation Requirements, and Exit Exams for Youth with Disabilities: 2017 National Study (#409)

Part of the NCEO Reports series.
David R Johnson PhD, Martha L Thurlow, Lindsay N Anderson


This report presents the results of a study undertaken to update what is known about the status of graduation policies across the nation. Three research questions served as the focus of this national study of high school graduation requirements and diploma options for students with and without disabilities: (1) What is the range and variation in state graduation requirements and diploma options across the United States for students with and without disabilities? (2) What are the intended and unintended consequences for students when they are required to pass exit exams to receive a high school diploma? (3) What are the intended and unintended consequences of using single or multiple diploma options for students with disabilities? This study found great variability in state graduation requirements for students with and without disabilities, and offers several recommendations to help guide state and local district decision making when implementing state graduation requirements and different diploma options for students with disabilities.


March 2019 
Number 409
Michael L Moore or +1 612-626-0546
National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)


  • Educational accountability and assessment
    • Diplomas and Graduation Requirements
    • Standards and Accountability
    • Students with Disabilities