• Graphic Designer
+1 612-626-8675
Institute On Community Integration
Masonic Institute For The Developing Brain [map]
2025 E River Pkwy
Room 2-315h
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3604

Connie is an award-winning graphic designer that is responsible for creating and maintaining the visual identities for several activities at ICI in various media. She has worked in higher education settings since 1987 and has been at ICI since 1997. During her time at ICI, Connie has been honored with several awards from the U of M Communicators Forum: 2002 for poster design; 2003, for e-newsletters and Web design; 2004 for poster design; 2007 for best in multi-media. Prior to coming to the University of Minnesota, she worked for North Dakota State University Extension Communication in Fargo, North Dakota as a graphic designer and photographer. She has a B.S. from North Dakota State University, Fargo in interior design.




Offers a suite of competency-based, online curricula for professionals providing services to people with intellectual, developmental, physical, and psychiatric disabilities, and to older adults....


Research and Training Center on Community Living (RTC-CL)

Conducts a wide range of research, training, and technical assistance and dissemination projects related to community supports under its center grant and related project funding. The RTC-CL is …


Minnesota Transformation Initiative Technical Assistant Center (MTI)

ICI and the University of Massachusetts Boston are collaboratively designing, implementing, and evaluating the Minnesota Transformation Initiative Technical Assistance Center (MTI). MTI supports …


Frontline Initiative: DSPs Using the NADSP Code of Ethics

Every day, direct support professionals (DSPs) make significant decisions affecting the lives of the people they support. But it can be hard for DSPs to make decisions when they are doing something…

Published: Fall/Winter 2023

Frontline Initiative: The Changing Roles of the Direct Support Professional

A newsletter issue recognizing the changing role of the Direct Support Professional (DSP). This issue highlights public policies that can support the changing role of DSPs, and ways they support …

Published: 2018

Frontline Initiative: DSPs Respond to COVID-19

This issue is dedicated to direct support professionals and all they have endured since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes stories from self-advocates, family members, health care …

Published: 2021

Policy Research Brief: Most People with IDD Getting Long-term Supports Live with a Family Member

Most people with IDD, whether they get funded support or not, live with family members throughout their lives. This Policy Research Brief describes living arrangements for people with IDD, trends …

Published: October 2022

Policy Research Brief: The Direct Support Workforce and COVID-19: Vaccinations

This brief contains findings from a recent study of COVID-19 and vaccination rates among DSPs. Conducted by ICI and the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals, the study showed signific…

Published: October 2021

Self-Advocacy Online

A multimedia resource providing information important to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities that is accessible to all. The content is translated into understandable language …

Published: 2012-Present

Frontline Initiative: Social Capital

A newsletter issue for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) exploring the importance of social capital in the lives of the people they support. Social capital is the value a person gets from …

Published: May 2014

LEND Brief: ASD and Culture

An issue providing information about how diverse communities view, understand, and experience Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. A growing body of research …

Published: Spring 2015

Frontline Initiative: Trauma-Informed Care

A newsletter issue for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) exploring trauma-informed care. This issue of Frontline Initiative provides background information on trauma-informed care and offers...

Published: 2015

Policy Research Brief: The Employment Impacts of Being a Family Caregiver

Family members play essential roles in the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including providing medical, emotional, financial, and day-to-day support. Family …

Published: September 2023

Frontline Initiative: Advocacy and Voting

Direct support professionals (DSPs) advocate regularly with the people they support. This issue of Frontline Initiative argues that DSPs now need to speak up for themselves and their profession— …

Published: Spring 2024

Frontline Initiative: Person-Centered Practices

A newsletter issue for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) exploring person-centered practices. This issue of Frontline Initiative brought together voices on what has been happening in this work …

Published: 2017

Partnerships in Wellness

A health promotion curriculum that addresses the unique learning needs of adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) who require ongoing daily supports, have limited readings...

Published: 2017

Institute on Community Integration (ICI) Website

A website presenting the Institute on Community Integration (ICI), a federally designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD - pronounced U Said), part of a...

Published: 2000

Frontline Initiative: Choice, Direction, and Control

A newsletter issue for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) encouraging the people they support to exercise choice, direction, and control over their lives. DSPs also support people who have …

Published: 2017

Policy Research Brief: Adults with IDD are Given More Medications than the Rest of the Population

The term polypharmacy refers to taking five or more medicines. Each state might define polypharmacy in different ways, including how many medicines a person must be taking to be considered overmedi…

Published: September 2023

Policy Research Brief: Are Large Institutions for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities a Thing of the Past?

The large, often miserable, state-run institutions that used to house people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) are closing as people with IDD increasingly live in community. …

Published: June 2022

Inclusive Education Strategies: A Toolkit for Armenia

This toolkit was designed by faculty and staff from the University of Minnesota and Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU) in the Republic of Armenia to help educators to include students …

Published: 2019

Frontline Initiative: Direct Support Professionals Supporting People’s Employment

This issue is on direct support professionals (DSPs) supporting people’s employment. Many people with disabilities experience barriers in getting the job they want. This can be discouraging. This …

Published: Winter 2022

Policy Research Brief: The Direct Support Workforce and COVID-19: Low Wages and Racial Disparities

A brief reporting findings from a recent study exploring direct support professionals (DSPs) providing support during the COVID-19 pandemic confirmed the critical shortage of DSPs supporting …

Published: June 2021

Policy Research Brief: Overrepresentation of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Moving Between Large State-run Institutions and the Criminal Legal System

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are overrepresented in the criminal legal system. Further, many people with IDD move between large state-run institutions and the …Published: January 2023

Policy Research Brief: The Unrestrained Use of Physical Restraints in Schools

The U.S. Department of Education defines physical restraints as a restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability to move torso, arms, legs, or head freely. Because of the inherent dangers of …

Published: July 2024

Frontline Initiative: DSPs Respond to Crisis

Direct support professionals (DSPs) have been through a lot this past year. Through a global pandemic, natural disasters, social unrest, and personal distress, they’ve stepped up as they always do …

Published: 2021

Frontline Initiative: Making a Career in Direct Support

This issue of Frontline Initiative is about making a career in direct support. Direct support professionals (DSPs) report on why and how they have accomplished this. People supported and their …

Published: 9/21/2020

Policy Research Brief: Wage Compression Among Direct Support Professionals

This brief contains findings from a recent study exploring direct support professionals (DSPs) providing support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 …

Published: December 2021

Policy Research Brief: Representation of Direct Support Workers in Popular Media

Mainstream media does not use consistent language to talk about the role of direct support workers. This inconsistency makes it difficult to communicate the value and complexity of the direct …

Published: September 2023

Frontline Initiative: Self-Care for DSPs

A newsletter issue promoting self-care for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs). To assist the people they support, DSPs must also take care of their own needs, health, and wellness. Incorporating …

Published: 2019

Frontline Initiative: The Diverse Voices of DSPs

This issue explores diverse and lesser-heard voices among direct support professionals. Authors include DSPs who are autistic, Deaf, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, and immigrants…

Published: 2022

Policy Research Brief: State IDD Agencies’ Views on Self-Directed Services

Self-direction allows people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to control most aspects of their home- and community-based services. Other names that states use for self- …

Published: September 2023

Policy Research Brief: How Much Do Direct Support Professionals Make? Putting Wages In Context

This brief uses publicly available data from the National Core Indicators® (NCI)-IDD Staff Stability Survey to compare wages of direct support professionals (DSPs) to what people earn in other …

Published: March 2022

Policy Research Brief: The Direct Support Workforce and COVID-19: Work Life and Wage Augmentation

A brief with findings from a recent study exploring experiences of direct support professionals (DSPs) providing support during the COVID-19 pandemic confirmed the critical shortage of DSPs …

Published: July 2021

Policy Research Brief: Institutionalization Bias in Long-Term Services and Supports for People with IDD

Medicaid requires states to provide institutional services to eligible Medicaid recipients, but allows states to have waiting lists for recipients preferring home and community based services. …

Published: September 2023

Moving Ahead with PROMISE: Lessons Learned from Six Model Demonstration Projects Through the Promoting Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income Project

This report from ICI and partners documents lessons learned from model demonstrations projects (MDPs) nationwide who tested an intervention for support transition-age youth who receive Supplemental...

Published: 2/13/2020

Frontline Initiative: Supporting Healthy Relationships

This issue of Frontline Initiative focuses on developing awareness, knowledge, and skills for supporting healthy relationships. It also includes information about tools and resources that direct...

Published: 2020

Inclusive Education Strategies: A Textbook

This textbook is a resource for implementing inclusive education practices in Armenia, other post-Soviet countries, and countries on the path to a more inclusive education and society. The content …

Published: 2018

Frontline Initiative: DSPs Supporting People's Health and Wellness

The pandemic brought direct support professionals’ role of supporting peoples’ health and wellness to the forefront. DSPs had to slow down, take more precautions, and learn new ways to maintain …

Published: Summer 2023

Policy Research Brief: Predictors of Annual Turnover Among Direct Support Professionals

This brief contains findings from a recent study that was a first of its kind to look at both organizational- and state-level factors related to turnover among direct support professionals (DSP), …

Published: September 2021