• Research Associate
+1 612-625-4761
Institute On Community Integration
Masonic Inst For The Developing Brain [map]
Annex 2-506B
2025 E River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3604



TIES Center: Increasing Time, Instructional Effectiveness, Engagement, and State Support for Inclusive Practices for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Creates sustainable changes in school and district educational systems so that students with significant cognitive disabilities can fully engage in the same instructional and non-instructional …



TIES Center is engaged in a year-long collaboration (2024-2025) with the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) for the "California Includes" initiative. The project aims to develop comprehen…


Supporting Students With Disabilities in Inclusive Schools: A Curriculum for Job-Embedded Paraprofessional Development

A curriculum supporting special educators in their role of teaching paraprofessionals to work with students with disabilities, focusing on increasing paraprofessional knowledge and skills for …

Published: 2002

Separate School Placement for Students With Extensive Support Needs and the Potential Impact of Locale and Charter School Enrollment

Separate school placements persist for students with extensive support needs (ESN) despite longstanding federal mandates for all students with disabilities to be educated in the least restrictive …

Published: 2024

Employing, Developing and Directing Special Education Paraprofessionals in Inclusive Education Programs: Findings From a Multi-Site Case Study

A report describing the systems that three school districts used to employ, develop, and direct special education paraprofessionals to work effectively in inclusive education programs. Findings …

Published: 2003

MIDAS Project Reports: A Mixed Methods Study on Teaching Students Who Moved From the AA-AAAS to General State Assessment (#102)

This report presents the findings of a study that examined the successes and barriers that teachers faced when instructing students with disabilities who have moved from the alternate assessment …

Published: July 2024

MIDAS Project Reports: Using Multiple Measures of Academic Achievement to Inform Instruction for Students with Disabilities Who Moved from the Alternate Assessment to the General State Assessment (#101)

This report presents an overview of two types of assessments that can inform instructional decision making for students with disabilities who moved from the alternate assessment based on alternate …

Published: April 2024

NCEO Brief: Related Services Providers: Important Contributors to the Accommodations Decision-Making Process (#27)

Related service providers include speech-language pathologists, audiologists, psychologists, and physical and occupational therapists who provide specialized support to students with disabilities. …

Published: December 2021

TIES Building Engagement with Distance Learning Series: DL #28: Not letting LRE Slide: Ensuring inclusive education during COVID

During COVID, how can teams prioritize the least restrictive environment and inclusive education? How do we assure that we are teaching students with significant cognitive disabilities in the …

Published: February 2021

MTSS for All: Including Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities

The purpose of this Brief is to provide suggestions for ways in which the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) can include students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. 

Published: 1/23/2020

Successfully Instructing and Assessing Students who Take the Alternate Assessment (and Those Who Used to Take the Alternate)

This presentation addresses how to successfully instruct and assess students who currently take alternate assessments or used to take them. It was presented at the 2020 Inclusive Education Leadersh…

Published: 2020-11-11

1% Toolkit: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities (NCEO Tool #15)

The purpose of this tool is to provide information on the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for parents in the form of (a) a fact …

Published: November 2023

NCEO Brief: Suggestions for Involving Students in Selecting and Implementing Accommodations (#30)

This Brief provides an overview of how students’ insights on the usefulness and feasibility of various accessibility features and accommodations should be taken into account when identifying …

Published: January 2023

TIES Center Reports: Separate School Placement Trends by Category and Age for Students with Extensive Support Needs (#105)

The purpose of this report is to examine the trends across the country over the past decade related to the placement of students with extensive support needs (ESN) in separate schools.Published: 8/1/2022