• Research Associate
+1 612-626-0535
Institute On Community Integration
Masonic Inst For The Developing Brain [map]
2025 E River Pkwy
Annex 2-509b
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3604

James Houseworth, Ph.D, began his career in Education and Human Development as a high school teacher in Chicago, IL. His dissertation work focused on how basic numerical ability (particularly understanding fractions, decimals, and percents) influences decision making in an inherently uncertain world.

James is versed in statistical analysis to detect group differences, trends over time, how individual differences influences outcomes, and how factors relate to influence and create more complicated sets of skills and outcomes.

HIs primary work at ICI focuses on assessing outcomes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, following a common theme: How do we best measure and support quality of life outcomes among a vulnerable population of adults? This research has considered outcomes such as choice-making, rights such as privacy and dignity, and employment. In these efforts, he has analyzed secondary datasets and collected new quantitative and qualitative data. .



Check & Connect: A Comprehensive Student Engagement Intervention

Provides training in use of the Check & Connect student engagement intervention model to promote students' engagement with school, reduce dropout, and increase school completion. The Check & …


National Core Indicators Field Initiated Projects Program: Advance Exploration of Factors Affecting Quality of Life Outcomes of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Used the data sets from the National Core Indicators (NCI) Program with the expertise of the project team to advance disability and rehabilitation research and disseminate and translate results …


Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on HCBS Outcome Measurement (RTC-OM)

Evaluates measures of the quality of life experienced by people with disabilities as a result of receiving services and supports. Past measures tended to focus on money spent on services for …


Special Olympics Partnerships

ICI researchers (Abery, Ticha, and Houseworth) have received funding from Special Olympics International, North America, and Minnesota (SOI, SONA, and SOMN) to collaborate on initiatives to …


Best Practices for Health Communication for Adults with Intellectual Disability

The ability of healthcare practitioners to communicate effectively with their patients is critical. This project aims to identify best practices in providing health-related communication that …


Using the Independent Monitoring for Quality Program to Examine Longitudinal Outcomes for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

The purpose of this study is to lay a foundation for illustrating the importance of longitudinal data collection by sharing the results of the Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) program in …

Published: 2023

Current Services and Outcomes of Formerly Institutionalised and Never-institutionalised US Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis

Background : Deinstitutionalization research shows better services and outcomes relative to institutional life but has not compared formerly institutionalised and never-institutionalised service …

Published: 2023

Examining Choice and Control for People With IDD Over Time

Choice making is an important aspect of everyone’s life in terms of fully becoming an adult within a democratic society. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are at risk …

Published: 2023

Community Participation and Staying Home if You Want: US Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Background: Requiring adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to go on community outings with co-residents and staff is contrary to community-living policy's focus on person …

Published: 2022

HCBS Outcome Framework Results

A webinar for policymakers and family members on the results of the process used to validate the National Quality Forum HCBS Outcome Framework.

Published: 2017

Policy Research Brief: Developments in Living Arrangements and Choice for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

A brief examining how living arrangements and choice have changed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) over the past 10 years. Choice is an important component of self …

Published: 2018

Participation and Companions for Socially Inclusive Community Activities by U.S. Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

We investigated socially inclusive participation in mainstream community groups and religious services by U.S. adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities using weighted secondary …

Published: 2023

Promoting Independence and Safety with Medication Technology for People with Disabilities

Using technology for people with disabilities can promote independence and allow greater access to community participation and inclusion. The current process for medication passing in provider …

Published: 2021

Incentives, Wages, and Retention Among Direct Support Professionals: National Core Indicators Staff Stability Survey

Direct support professionals (DSPs) provide a range of supports in a variety of settings to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who count on these supports to live, work, …

Published: 4/15/2022

Community Employment, Facility-based Work, and Day Activities for Working Age People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability

Background: Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) participate in a variety of day/employment activities including community-based activities and work and facility-based …

Published: 2022

Psychotropic medication use for adults with autism spectrum disorder who receive services and supports through adult developmental disability services in the United States

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have higher rates of co-occurring diagnoses and use of psychotropic medication prescriptions than people with other developmental disabilities. Few …

Published: 2019-01-31

Examining the National Core Indicators' potential to monitor rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities according to the CRPD

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) aims to change attitudes and policies toward individuals with disabilities worldwide and to foster the inclusion and independence …

Published: 2019-09-10

Using the Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) Program to Examine Employment in Integrated Settings in the Community for People with IDD over Time

Background : Community-based employment is a key step for many adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), a group prone to high unemployment, poverty, and dependency. It is …

Published: 2023

Predictors of Annual and Early Separations Among Direct Support Professionals: National Core Indicators Staff Stability Survey 

Direct support professionals (DSPs) provide a broad range of supports in a variety of settings to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) that enables people to live, work, …

Published: 9/1/2021

Trends in Privacy of Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Before and After the Home and Community-Based Services Final Rule

In 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) launched the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule intended to improve the quality of HCBS for people with disabilities. …

Published: 9/14/2024

Transitional Challenges: Psychotropic Medication and Residential Setting Among Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

As youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are transitioning from the school systems and special education supports, many of them are moving into the adult service system (e.g …

Published: 2024

Risk Adjustment in Home and Community Based Services Outcome Measurement

The purpose of this study was to review and evaluate existing research that used risk adjusters in disability research. Risk adjustment controls for individual characteristics of persons when …

Published: 4/7/2022

Mothers and Fathers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Who Use US Disability Services: Prevalence and Living Arrangements

Background: Little information is available on the prevalence of mothers and fathers with intellectual and developmental disabilities among US disability-service users. Child removal is a key …

Published: 2022

Policy Forum: Predictors of Annual Turnover Among Direct Support Professionals

This Policy Forum addresses predictors of annual turnover among direct support professionals, using data from the National Core Indicators (NCI) Staff Stability Survey.

Published: 10/07/2021

Indicators of Self-Determination in Wisconsin using National Core Indicators Data

This report examined indicators of self-determination in the state of Wisconsin, in the region, and nationally for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) using the …

Published: 2020