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3102 results.
  • NCEO English Language Learners (ELLs) with Disabilities Reports

    A series of reports examining standards-based reform in relation to English Language Learners (ELLS) with disabilities.

  • NCEO Limited English Proficiency Projects Reports

    A series of reports examining data on standards-based reform and students with disabilities who have limited English proficiency.

  • NCEO Minnesota Assessment Project Reports

    A series of reports summarizing the findings of the Minnesota Assessment Project, a four-year, federally funded effort awarded to the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning (now …

  • NCEO Out-of-Level Testing Project Reports

    A series of reports examining past out-of-level testing state policies.

  • NCEO Policy Directions

    A report series addressing national policy issues related to standards, assessments, and students with disabilities for researchers and policymakers.

  • NCEO State Surveys

    A series of reports summarizing results of surveys of state directors of special education in relation to students with disabilities and standards-based reform.

  • NCEO Synthesis Reports

    A series of reports examining assessment and accommodations policies and practices in relation to students with disabilities. It is especially of use to policymakers.

  • NCEO Technical Reports

    A series of reports summarizing findings for policymakers, researchers and educators that focuses on assessment, accommodations, and accountability in relation to students with disabilities.

  • NCSET Essential Tools

    A series of guides aiming to increase the capacity of organizations involved in secondary education and transition for youth with disabilities. These guides (resource guides, practice guides, …

  • NCSET Information Brief

    A series of briefs examining trends and developments in secondary education and transition.

  • NCSET Issue Brief

    A series of briefs examining current challenges in secondary education and transition.

  • NCSET Parent Brief

    A series of briefs informing parents about secondary education and transition services. Produced by PACER Center in collaboration with the Institute's National Center on Secondary Education and …

  • NCSET Research to Practice Brief

    A series of briefs guiding practitioners in improving secondary education and transition services through research.

  • Staff

    Pratik Nehete :: IT Pro 3-DevOps Engineering

  • Jon Neidorf :: Researcher 5

  • Toben F Nelson :: Associate Professor

  • Staff

    Locke Newell :: Software Engineer

  • Partner staff

    Teresa Nguyen :: Director

  • NLTS2 Data Brief

    A series of briefs summarizing the findings of the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2), which tracked the characteristics, experiences, and achievements of a sample of 12,000 transitio…

  • Partner staff

    Kristin Norderud :: MN LEND Fellow