Developing Leadership Capacity in Inclusive Education: A U.S.-Ukrainian Partnership


Built capacity in inclusive education practices at the university and public school levels in six regions of Ukraine through lectures, a train-the-trainer model, and mentoring by U.S. experts. These inclusive practices affected pre-service teachers and students with and without disabilities. The project focused on universities and schools outside the Kiev region where resources tend to be significantly less than in the capital region.

Seven experts traveled to Ukraine in three teams for 10 days each throughout the year to share their knowledge and expertise through lectures, workshops, and mentoring, and to prepare future Ukrainian leaders in inclusive practices. U.S. experts conducted seminars and mentoring sessions to enhance participants' capacity and leadership skills. Participants also co-presented with the experts to become familiar with the topics and provide a Ukrainian perspective. The U.S. team, in collaboration with the Fellows and trainees, developed an online learning module on each topic in both English and Ukrainian to make the content available remotely to faculty, teachers, students, and others throughout Ukraine. This project continued a partnership with Ukraine on inclusive education that began in 2017 with an earlier project called the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Anniversary International Fellowship Program in Inclusive Education: A University of Minnesota Partnership with India, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Ukraine.

Brian H Abery, Renata Ticha
Brian H Abery, Renata Ticha
U.S. Embassy Ukraine
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


Brian H Abery :: Senior Research Associate

Renata Ticha :: Senior Research Associate


  • Education practices (K12 and transition)
    • Instructional strategies
  • Educational accountability and assessment
    • Students with Disabilities
    • Universal Design
  • International initiatives
    • Disability advocacy
    • Inclusive education
  • Specific life stage
    • Adolescents and young adults
    • Children


  • Training and professional development