1% Toolkit: Start with the End in Mind: An Infographic to Guide Decisions about Student Participation in the Alternate Assessment (NCEO Tool #7)

Part of the 1% Toolkit series.
Katherine Nagle, Charity N Funfe Tatah Mentan PhD, Anthea Brady, Kathy J Strunk, Martha L Thurlow, Sheryl Lazarus


This Infographic to Guide Decisions about Student Participation in the Alternate Assessment tool is designed to provide guidance about IEP team decision making for a student’s participation in the state's alternate assessment on academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS), which is meant for a very small number of students with significant cognitive disabilities. Developed during NCEO’s Peer Learning Group 3 (PLG 3), the tool explains how this important decision can affect the future opportunities available to a student with a disability. The infographic may be given to teachers in IEP trainings, provided to parents and guardians to read before an IEP team meeting, and used to talk with parents and guardians during an IEP team meeting.


May 2020 
Tool or Toolkit 
Number 7
Michael L Moore moore031@umn.edu or +1 612-626-0546
National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)


  • Educational accountability and assessment
    • Alternate Assessments
    • Assessment Participation
    • Students with Disabilities