NCEO Data Analytics: Graduation Policies for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Who Participate in States' AA-AAS (#1)
Part of the NCEO Data Analytics series.
- Author(s)
- Sheryl Lazarus, Mai Vang, Michael L Moore, Martha L Thurlow, Deb Albus
An online, interactive brief presenting the results of NCEO's analysis of states' graduation policies for their students with significant cognitive disabilities who participate in the alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS). There is increasing interest in graduation rates and regular diploma requirements as states aim to ensure their students are college- and career-ready when they leave school with a diploma. Yet little was known about states' graduation policies and this prompted the current analysis.
- Date
- March 2015
- Type
- Report
- Edition
- Number 1
- Publisher
- National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)
- Educational accountability and assessment
- Alternate Assessments
- Diplomas and Graduation Requirements
- Students with Disabilities
- Specific life stage
- Adolescents and young adults