AUCD Features ICI Project Supporting the Social Inclusion of Young Russians with Disabilities

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) website features a new ICI project that supports the social inclusion of young Russians with disabilities by developing community living and supported employment programs in the Moscow area. Funded by the Eurasia Foundation, the project is led by Brian Abery and Renáta Tichá and is known as Community Participation and Employment as Strategies for Social inclusion: A U.S.-Russian Dialogue; it is part of ICI's Global Resource Center on Inclusive Education. The AUCD article is titled, "MN UCEDD Supports Social Inclusion of Young Russians with Disabilities." AUCD is a membership organization that supports and promotes a national network of university-based interdisciplinary programs across the United States known as University Centers for Excellence in Development Disabilities (UCEDDs); ICI is the UCEDD for Minnesota.