Strengthening the Direct Care Workforce: A Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Initiative


The National Council on Aging, Inc., has established a technical assistance center to accelerate state systems changes to improve the recruitment, development, and retention of the HCBS direct care workforce. ICI helps the center cultivate relationships with national IDD workforce leaders who support community living. ICI also supports the center's data collection and research and serves as a subject matter expert.

Amy S Hewitt
Amy S Hewitt
Subcontract from
National Council on Aging
Administration on Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Council on Aging


Amy S Hewitt :: Director, Institute on Community Integration

Barbara A Kleist :: Director, Entrepreneurial and Development Programs

Julie Bershadsky :: Director, Community Living and Employment

Sandra L Pettingell :: Research Associate

Jerry W Smith :: Director of Marketing and Communications

Julie E Kramme :: Research Fellow

Amy Kurowski-Moen :: Grants and Contracts Administrative Associate


  • Direct support workforce
    • Workforce development strategies