Expanding the Circle (ETC)


Delivers a curriculum offering culturally-relevant activities to facilitate the successful transition from high school to postsecondary life for American Indian students, and makes available implementation training of the curriculum to schools, youth, and community organizations nationwide.

Jana H Ferguson
cconnectpub@umn.edu, 612-625-5037


Jana H Ferguson :: Education Program Spec 2

Sharon Mule' :: Implementation Specialist


Expanding the Circle: Respecting the Past, Preparing for the Future (2nd ed.)

The second edition of this curriculum for grades 9-12. It includes the culturally-relevant transition skills and project-based learning presented in the first edition, which has been in use across …

Published: 2017

Expanding the Circle: Respecting the Past, Preparing for the Future (3rd ed.)

The third edition of the Expanding the Circle curriculum is for grades 9-12. It is available in digital (PDF) format. Facilitators no longer need to make copies of documents but can now email or …

Published: 2021


  • Culture and diversity
    • American Indians
  • Education practices (K12 and transition)
    • Transition planning