MTI Success Stories: Kaposia


Founded in 1963, Kaposia is a Minnesota nonprofit agency based in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area, providing customized employment services for people with disabilities and retirement services to seniors with disabilities. Kaposia began providing supported employment in the early 1980s and closed their workshop in 1990. Customized employment emerged as a practice to support people with disabilities to find employment, and in the early 2000s supported employment became a service under the Medicaid waiver. Kaposia embraced these trends and has been growing ever since. The agency envisions a world in which everyone is valued, respected, and contributes to the community. For Kaposia, shifting from center-based and group models of employment service to competitive, integrated employment required adopting a business model that relies heavily on the capabilities of their staff, especially the job developers who observe the skills and abilities of workers with disabilities and then create person-centered jobs at community employers.


Minnesota Transformation Initiative Technical Assistant Center (MTI)
Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota


  • Employment and postsecondary education
    • Employment and workforce development