NCEO Technical Reports: Read-Aloud Accommodations: Effects on Multiple-Choice Reading and Math Items (#31)

Part of the NCEO Technical Reports series.
John Bielinski, Martha L Thurlow, James E Ysseldyke, Jim Freidebach, Melodie Freidebach


This year 2001 report examines the effect of a read aloud accommodation on the state reading and math assessments used by the Missouri assessment program. The study used extant test administration data for multiple-choice math and reading test items administered to 3rd and 4th grade students. Four student groups were created to help control for confounding effects. A differential item function (DIF) analysis was run on the data using BILOG-MG, which compared item difficulty estimates across several groups simultaneously. The findings lead to a discussion of how to determine who should benefit from an accommodation, and whether a reading test measures the reading construct differently for students with a reading disability than for students without disabilities. The report recommends further research and suggests that replicating the study is needed to confirm the results.


September 2001 
Number 31
National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)


  • Educational accountability and assessment
    • Accessibility & Accommodations
  • Specific life stage
    • Adolescents and young adults
    • Children