Six ICI Posters to be Featured at CEHD Research Day on March 26

How common is autism among Minnesota’s immigrant communities? What does well-being mean to adults with intellectual disabilities? How can online modules help teachers, test writers, and policymakers decide which accessibility features and accommodations to use for students with disabilities? Answers to those and other questions will be shared on March 26 when ICI presents six research posters in two categories at the University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) Research Day. The posters and display tables will showcase a range of ICI research activities, and staff will be on hand to discuss their work. ICI posters and their authors include:Autism and Developmental Disabilities
- “Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence in Immigrant Communities in Minnesota,” by Libby Hallas-Muchow and Jennifer Hall-Lande (pictured with their award-winning poster at a previous CEHD Research Day), Jenny Poynter, Amy Esler, Anab Gulaid, and Amy Hewitt.
- “Doing, Being, and Belonging: A Photo Elicitation on the Meaning of Well-being of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities,” by Lynda Lahti Anderson.
Education Research and Educational Equity
- “Diploma Options, Graduation Requirements, and Exit Exams for Youth with Disabilities,” by David Johnson and Martha Thurlow.
- “Exploring Predictors of Transition Planning Participation and Future Goal Aspirations of Secondary Students with Disabilities,” by David Johnson, Yi-Chen Wu, Martha Thurlow, Xueqin Qian, Ernest Davenport, and Cynthia Matthias.
- “Using Online Modules to Learn about Accessibility Features and Accommodations,” by Darrell Peterson, Erik Larson, and Martha Thurlow.
- “The Impact of Accessible Assessments on English Learners on Teachers and Students Perspectives and State Assessments,” by Yi-Chen Wu and Linda Goldstone.
This is a free, annual event featuring research throughout the College. Posters will be displayed at McNamara Alumni Center from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. A buffet lunch will be available.