Changing Landscapes Exhibit Realizes Historic Milestone

Sat May 13 2017
In the photograph, the cathedral windows are reflected in the picture frame glass of "Tulips Underwater," a painting by the late Stephanie Evelo.

ICI's Changing Landscapes project is holding its first exhibit off-campus at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Minneapolis. The project celebrates art and diversity while supporting artists with disabilities by curating ongoing and revolving exhibits of their art at the Institute. Now, in a realization of David and Sheryl Evelo's original intention, this initiative supporting the memory of their daughter, Stephanie, will share artwork with the broader community. Julia Anderson, a LEND Fellow who works at the Walker Art Center, connected ICI with cathedral staff for the opportunity. With the aid of St. Mark's art curator Gregory McDaniels, ICI staff installed nine pieces from Changing Landscapes' Evelo Permanent Collection in the cathedral gallery. (In the photograph, the cathedral windows are reflected in the picture frame glass of "Tulips Underwater," a painting by the late Stephanie Evelo.) The show opened on Sunday, May 7 and runs through the end of the month. Committee members from Changing Landscapes will be at the cathedral Sundays at 11:30 a.m. to speak with members and answer questions. "This is exciting because this is our first opportunity to showcase Changing Landscapes in a community setting," says committee member Mark Olson. "It meets our mission of getting artists with disabilities recognized community-wide.

"Olson was on hand on May 7 when the exhibit opened after church services. "Each congregant who came out of the sanctuary stopped and looked at the art, so we got a chance to reach out about ICI and the Changing Landscapes initiative." And he adds that Changing Landscapes' outreach does not end on May 31. "We're always looking for new opportunities to display Changing Landscapes elsewhere in the community. We are looking at churches and coffeehouses now, but are open to other locations as well. Please reach out to us with your connections."