"Art for All: The Stephanie Evelo Fund for Art Inclusion" Comes to Northeast Minneapolis

"Art for All: The Stephanie Evelo Fund for Art Inclusion," an ICI project that supports artists with disabilities, is in the community again, this time with a new exhibit at Maeve's Cafe at 300 13th Avenue Northeast in Minneapolis. The exhibit runs from April 17 through early June -- including during this year's Art-a-Whirl (May 18-20). Project staff members Mark Olson and Megan Dushin are pictured hanging a painting at the exhibit. Featured artists include Katherine Fitzgerald, Ingrid Hansen, Jon Leverentz, and Jimmy Reagan. All of the displayed art is available for purchase through project staff member Tony Baisley. The public is encouraged to visit this exhibit of Art for All: The Stephanie Evelo Fund for Art Inclusion during regular business hours at Maeve's Cafe: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. on weekdays and 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. on weekends.