• Business Development - Product Manager
+1 612-625-5322
Inst On Community Integration
Masonic Inst For The Developing Brain [map]
Room 2-315Q
2025 E River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3604

Michelle Austin, M.A., Ed.S., is a program specialist and national trainer for Check & Connect at the Institute on Community Integration (ICI), University of Minnesota. Mrs. Austin provides training around the country on the implementation of Check & Connect for schools and community-based organizations. She also provides follow-up trainings in the form of fidelity of implementation workshops for sites already implementing Check & Connect. As a national trainer, she partners with sites to assess their needs and customizes training to meet their strategic plans.

Prior to working at the University, Mrs. Austin began her teaching career as an elementary teacher, specializing in technology in two Minnesota public school districts: Eastern Carver County Schools and Inver Grove Heights Schools. Most recently, she worked as a district coordinator and administrator for the Department of Learning in ISD 199 - Inver Grove Heights Schools (MN). In this capacity, she pioneered ISD 199's first parent engagement program adopted from the Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE), provided district-wide professional development for early childhood to high school staff and coordinated the district's Gifted Magnet Program. Additionally, Mrs. Austin is trained in Cognitive Coachingâ„ and has conducted observations and facilitated reflective conversations with educators focused on increasing engagement and achieving at high levels for all students.

Mrs. Austin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education K-6 from Augsburg University, Master's degree in Teaching and Learning from Saint Mary's University and Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership & K-12 Administrative License from Minnesota State University - Mankato.



Check & Connect: A Comprehensive Student Engagement Intervention

Provides training in use of the Check & Connect student engagement intervention model to promote students' engagement with school, reduce dropout, and increase school completion. The Check & …


Check & Connect Online Support Modules: How do I use "Check" data?

The first module in the series, "How do I use 'Check' data?", walks mentors through gathering "Check" data and using that data to determine risk. The module then takes mentors through a case study …

Published: 2019