• Implementation Specialist
  • National Check & Connect Trainer
+1 612-624-5042
Masonic Institute on the Developing Brain
Rm 2-315k [map]
2025 E River Pkwy
MInneapolis, MN 55414

Ms. Romine provides training nationally on the implementation of Check & Connect for schools and community-based organizations. She also provides mentor training and follow-up training around fidelity and implementation for sites already implementing Check & Connect. As a national trainer, she assesses the needs of sites and customizes training to meet those needs. She is driven to build connections for students and families across schools and communities.

Before working at ICI, Ms. Romine served as a program specialist and national trainer for an evidence-based family engagement program, Families and Schools Together (FAST). She has trained collaborative teams of teachers, parents and community-based professionals for more than a decade. Ms. Romine has worked extensively throughout the School District of Philadelphia implementing and developing FAST to scale. She attended the University of Wisconsin - Madison and received her Bachelor of Science in Human Development & Family Studies and Elementary Education.



Check & Connect: A Comprehensive Student Engagement Intervention

Provides training in use of the Check & Connect student engagement intervention model to promote students' engagement with school, reduce dropout, and increase school completion. The Check & …