COVID-19 Vaccine Access and Confidence Among People with Disabilities (3/5/2025)


This project facilitated COVID-19 vaccine conversations among people with disabilities, their families, and communities. The team identified barriers to vaccine accessibility, increased vaccine confidence, shared credible COVID-19 vaccination information, responded to misinformation, translated information into accessible formats, and shared success stories and lessons learned. The project aimed to advance policies and practices that improve the health, education, social and economic well-being of people with developmental disabilities and their families. Outcome measures included increased opportunities for vaccine collaboration among key public health partners, increased access to COVID-19 vaccines, increased trust and confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine, and increased products translated and disseminated in alternative formats.

The project worked alongside related projects that partnered with the MNLEND program to promote vaccine outreach in local communities and with Regional Hubs to promote vaccine outreach in local communities that focus on outreach with direct support professionals.

The project created public service announcements and there are more resources to come.

Jennifer A Hall-Lande, Lynda Lahti Anderson
Jennifer A Hall-Lande, Lynda Lahti Anderson
Subcontract from
Association of University Centers on Disabilities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Jennifer A Hall-Lande :: Research Associate


  • Health and safety
    • Health and wellness