
The Go MN! project is led by MN DEED. The project addresses people with disabilities in or contemplating subminimum wage work settings and offers them opportunities to explore careers in transportation businesses. The project addresses adults engaged in and youth contemplating subminimum wage employment and seeks to increase the number who apply to the vocational rehabilitation (VR) agency for services, the number of jobseekers with disabilities who have worked in transportation, the number of partnering businesses in transportation, and ultimately, the number of adults and youth with disabilities who transition from subminimum wage to competitive integrated employment and meet the workforce needs of the transportation industry. As part of this project, ICI is developing and providing training that educates and engages individuals and families about moving from subminimum wage to competitive integrated employment. This training will include a "train the trainer" version for VR staff, schools, independent living centers, counties, and other VR partners. ICI is also developing an enhanced version of DirectCourse training on job coaching for school staff who coach students in work experiences.

Julie Bershadsky
Julie Bershadsky
U.S. Department of Education
Subcontract from
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development


Julie Bershadsky :: Director, Community Living and Employment

Danielle C Mahoehney :: Community Living and Employment Specialist

Barbara A Kleist :: Director, Entrepreneurial and Development Programs


  • Employment and postsecondary education
    • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Specific life stage
    • Adolescents and young adults
    • Adults