Systemic Supports for Promoting Graduation


Developed technology tools that support the expanded national implementation of two evidence-based web applications: Check & Connect school engagement intervention and the Student Engagement Instrument (SEI).

For more than a quarter-century, the Check & Connect intervention model developed at ICI has helped keep thousands of students across the country on track towards high school graduation; at its core is a trusting relationship between each student and a caring, trained mentor who both advocates for and challenges the student. SEI is a Web-supported intervention that establishes reliable and valid measures of students' cognitive and affective engagement; students' engagement data may be used to identify those who are at-risk for disengagement and dropout as well as to inform and monitor the effects of interventions.

The project, formerly known as Stepping-Up Technology Implementation, was conducted in three phases. The first phase (years 1-2 with 3 participating schools) involved initial iterative development of the supporting technology tools. The second phase (years 3-4, with 4 schools) featured a pilot program to further develop and evaluate the technology tools and resources with test sites. If approved, the team moves into the third phase (year 5, with 10 participating schools) where they will implement and continue to evaluate the specific tools in the additional schools that will become first time end-users.

David R Johnson PhD, Eileen A Klemm
David R Johnson PhD
Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education


Michelle Austin :: Education Program Specialist 2

Eileen A Klemm :: Check & Connect Program Manager


Check & Connect Online Support Modules: How do I use "Check" data?

The first module in the series, "How do I use 'Check' data?", walks mentors through gathering "Check" data and using that data to determine risk. The module then takes mentors through a case study …

Published: 2019


  • Education practices (K12 and transition)
    • Dropout prevention and student engagement
  • Specific life stage
    • Adolescents and young adults