MN Act Early Project
Develops and expands on the MN Help Me Grow and the Institute's Act Early work in culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Act Early helps build a national network of agencies, organizations, and professionals (called ambassadors) that utilize the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC's) "Learn the Signs, Act Early" message. The project has sustained impact within culturally diverse communities to increase early screening of neurodevelopmental disabilities. While this project provides the initial training and materials, the Act Early/MN Help Me Grow delegates within the community organizations gain the skills to carry the message and outreach forward after the grant ends.
- Contact
- Jennifer A Hall-Lande
- Director
- Jennifer A Hall-Lande
- Funder
- Help Me Grow
- Collaborators
- Help Me Grow
- St. Mary's Health Clinics
- Consulate of Mexico in St. Paul, United States
- Ecuadorian Consulate General in Minneapolis, United States
- Minnesota LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities) Program
- Community life
- Civil rights
- Community supports and services
- Friendships and social relationships
- Parenting and family relationships
- Person-centered planning and practices
- Positive behavior support
- Quality outcomes
- Self-advocacy and self-determination
- Social inclusion
- Culture and diversity
- American Indians
- Cultural competence
- English language learners (ELLs)
- Immigrants
- Other cultural groups
- Somalis
- Women
- Early education and development
- Early childhood screening and assessment
- Early intervention
- Family engagement
- Infant and early childhood mental health
- Housing and residential services
- Family supports/in-home services
- Specific disability
- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Emotional/behavioral disorder (EBD)
- Hearing and/or vision loss
- Intellectual/developmental disability (IDD)
- Mental health and/or chemical dependency
- Multiple disabilities
- Other health impairment
- Specific life stage
- Adults
- Children
- Early childhood
- Dissemination
- Outreach