FYI from the Institute on Community Integration: June 2020


FYI Monthly is a monthly e-communication from the Institute on Community Integration. The June 2020 issue includes four feature stories, an ICI Facebook post about an Impact story on disability advocacy, new publications, staff updates, and an alumni update about a disability rights advocate.

In the first feature story, ICI condemns structural racism and discrimination against people with disabilities… and notes that these marginalized groups often overlap. The second story recalls this year's MNLEND graduation on May 12 and mentions an ICI-produced video with interviews of fellows sharing their plans to bring a person-centered lens to their work. The third story tells about ICI's promotion of competitive employment for people with disabilites, a timely topic because jobless rates among people with disabilities have soared during the current recession. The last story is about ICI and its Ukrainian partners learning from each other while building inclusive education in Europe's second-largest country.


June 2020 
Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota


  • Community life
    • Civil rights
  • International initiatives
    • Inclusive education