FYI from the Institute on Community Integration: October 2020


 FYI Monthly is a monthly e-communication from the Institute on Community Integration. The October 2020 issue includes four feature stories, an ICI Facebook post, new publications, staff updates, and an alumni update.

Two of the feature stories are about publications: Impact and Frontline Initiative. The new issue of Impact is about self-advocacy and how this year's pandemic and civil unrest  has reminded people with disabilities of the need to speak up for themselves. The latest Frontline Initiative​ is about making a career in direct support—an underpaid profession, but one that is vital for people with disabilities who live independently. The direct support workforce is the subject of another feature story, this one about survey results on how the pandemic has affected that workforce. There is also a feature story about ICI's virtual Art for All exhibit, which starts November 1. This month's Alumni Update is about a MNLEND fellow, researcher, student, employee, and mother of three who was recently diagnosed with autism.


October 2020 
Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota