NCEO Newsletter: February 2021 issue


This issue highlights a new video series for parents of students with significant cognitive disabilities. The videos focus on various aspects of supporting the learning of their children at home. Currently available videos address routines at home, helping with academics at home, foundations of communications at home, and communications at home. This issue also highlights a new Brief that NCEO published on using pre-assessment to plan instruction for students with disabilities during distance education, as well as a review of the literature on literacy assessment and instruction practices for English learners with significant cognitive disabilities. Additionally, there is an article about eight tools which were developed with states that were members of several Peer Learning Groups (PLGs) organized by NCEO on topics related to addressing the 1% threshold on participation in alternate assessments based on alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS).  Finally, we have a list of sessions that include NCEO staff who will be participating in the upcoming virtual Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Convention and Expo.


February 2021 
Michael L Moore or +1 612-626-0546
National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)