FYI from the Institute on Community Integration: April 2019


FYI Monthly is a monthly e-communication from the Institute on Community Integration. The April 2019 edition includes two feature stories, a leading ICI Facebook post from the past month, a new publication, coming events, and numerous staff updates.

The first feature story is about a podcast series for families with children who have been recently diagnosed with autism or other developmental disabilities; the series is being created by a MNLEND Fellow as part of her Minnesota Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (MNLEND) project. The other feature story is about a toolkit that includes the first-ever inclusive education textbook in the Armenian language--the bilingual toolkit was created by a two-year, UNICEF Armenia-funded collaboration between faculty and staff at the University of Minnesota and Armenian State Pedogogical University. The textbook was co-written by Armenian and American educators.


April 2019 
Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota


  • International initiatives
    • Assessment
    • Disability advocacy
    • Inclusive education
  • Specific disability
    • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)