Exploring correlates of paid early work experiences for youth with autism: Using NLTS2012 data

Xueqin Qian, David R Johnson PhD, Clare Papay


Prior research has demonstrated that paid work experience while in school is a predictor of postschool employment outcomes for youth with disabilities. For youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), early paid work experience in high school can provide a place to learn occupational skills as well as develop communication, problem solving and interpersonal skills and behaviors that are essential for obtaining and maintaining employment. In the present study, the authors/researchers examined the extent to which youth with ASD have engaged in early paid work experiences while in school and factors associated with such experiences, using data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012. The authors/researchers found that approximately 24.4% of youth with ASD reported having been involved in a paid work experience during high school at some point within the past year. Further, age, social engagement, household income, and parent expectations were significant predictors of early paid work experience. Implications for practice and research are discussed.

Suggested Citation

Qian, X., Johnson, D. R., & Papay, C. (2020). Exploring correlates of paid early work experiences for youth with autism: Using NLTS2012 data. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. https://doi.org/10.1177/1088357620956915


Peer-Reviewed Article 
SAGE Publications, Inc.