NCEO Newsletter: October 2017 issue


In this issue, we share several new reports available from NCEO. One is a report on a forum held prior to the National Conference on Students Assessment to discuss text readers and their availability to all students on many assessments. Another report now available on the NCEO website presents the results of the 2016 survey of states. Another report is a brief on making decisions about exiting English learner (EL) services for ELs with disabilities. NCEO also announces a new center on inclusive policies and procedures in this issue. Finally, in this issue we look forward to two future activities. At the end of October, NCEO will attend the annual conference of the National Association of State Directors of Special Education to lead two discussion sessions known as YOU PICKS on the 1% cap and the alternate diploma. And, in November, NCEO will share information on using formative and interim assessments to improve student learning at the annual conference of the Teachers of Education Division of CEC.


October 2017 
Michael L Moore or +1 612-626-0546
National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)