Assessment Principles and Guidelines for ELLs with Disabilities

Martha L Thurlow, Kristin K Liu PhD, Jenna M Ward, Laurene L Christensen


A report detailing the work of an Institute project called Improving the Validity of Assessment Results for English Language Learners with Disabilities (IVARED) that has identified essential principles of inclusive and valid assessments for English language learners (ELLs) with disabilities. These principles were developed from a review process with nationally recognized experts in special education, English as a second language or bilingual education, assessment, and accountability. Additional input was obtained through discussion of the principles at national assessment and education conferences, as well as during meetings of the Council of Chief State School Officers State Collaborative on Assessments and Student Standards (SCASS) groups. This report presents five core principles of valid assessments for this population of students, along with a brief rationale and specific guidelines that reflect each principle.


National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)


  • Educational accountability and assessment
    • Accessibility & Accommodations
    • Assessment Participation
    • Assessment Reporting
    • English Learners with Disabilities
    • Instruction
    • Standards and Accountability
    • Universal Design
  • Specific life stage
    • Adolescents and young adults
    • Children