Five ICI Posters to be Featured at CEHD Research Day on March 28

Does behavior of children with autism differ by race/ethnicity? Can mentors help juvenile offenders with disabilities reintegrate into society? How well do students in special education perform on state tests? Answers to those and other questions will be shared on March 28 when ICI presents five research posters at the University of Minnesota's College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) Research Day. The posters and display tables will showcase a range of ICI research activities, and staff will be on hand to discuss their work. ICI posters and their authors include:
"Differences in the Behavioral Phenotype of ASD in a Population Sample of Somali, White, Non-Somali Black, and Hispanic Children." Authors: Amy Esler, Jennifer Hall-Lande, Kristin Hamre, Jen Poynter, Anab Gulaid, Libby Hallas-Muchow, and Amy Hewitt.
"How Do Residential Supports for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Differ Across the United States?" Authors: Heidi Eschenbacher, Lynda Anderson, and
Sheryl Larson."MAP: Finding My Way Back: A Mentoring Program for Juvenile Offenders with Disabilities." Authors: David Johnson, Jean Echternacht, Eileen Klemm, Jana Hallas, Xueqin ("Shirley") Qian, and Emily Clary (pictured above at the 2016 CEHD Research Day).
"The Trend of Participation and Performance by Students Receiving Special Education Services Over Time." Authors: Yi-Chen Wu, Martha L. Thurlow, and
Sheryl Lazarus."Weekly Wage of Vocational Rehabilitation Service Recipients Across Different Demographics, Disability Types and Status, and Income Sources: A Quantile Regression Approach." Authors: Youngsoon Kang, Kelly Nye-Lengerman, and Derek Nord.
This is a free, annual event featuring research throughout the College. Posters will be displayed at McNamara Alumni Center from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Visitors are encouraged to attend for lunch, networking, and conversation about CEHD research.