RTC-CL Sponsors Forum on Healthy Aging with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Mon Jun 19 2017
Photo of Roger Stancliffe.

ICI's Research and Training Center on Community Living (RTC-CL) is sponsoring a policy forum on July 19 at the Roseville [Minnesota] Public Library on healthy aging among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The forum will be a community discussion that emphasizes the new opportunities afforded by Minnesota's new ABLE Policy that was made available in 2017. It will include experts Roger Stancliffe, Colin Stemper, and Natasha Merz. Stancliffe is a Research Associate at the RTC-CL and a Professor of Intellectual Disability at the University of Sydney's Centre for Disability Research and Policy. He has over 35 years of research in the disability field, and he has internationally-recognized expertise in retirement and community living. Stemper is a Fiscal Policy Analyst at the Minnesota Department of Human Services, where he has led ABLE Plan implementation since 2015. Merz is from the Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care at the Minnesota Board on Aging. The forum runs from 1:30 to 3 p.m., but space is limited, so please register.  The Roseville Public Library is located at 2180 Hamline Avenue North in Roseville, Minnesota.