DirectCourse Offers New Person-Centered Counseling Training

DirectCourse, an online curriculum designed for the workforce that supports people with disabilities, has released its new Person-Centered Counseling Training courses. These courses were created after the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, selected DirectCourse to provide content for a newly-developed Person-Centered Counseling (PCC) Training Program pilot for systems navigators in the No Wrong Door (NWD) System. The pilot launched in January 2016 in 12 states and the District of Columbia, and the courses are now available for purchase by any state seeking to provide training to NWD systems navigators.
“The commitment to person-centered community-based services translates well into education for NWD professionals as they assist individuals in finding community-based long-term services,” says Amy Hewitt, director of ICI’s Research and Training Center on Community Living (RTC). “Now, service coordinators across all state agencies can work with a common set of person-centered skills and knowledge of services in the community to make the appropriate referrals.”
DirectCourse is operated by the RTC and Elsevier. The new program is comprised of six online courses that were authored jointly by RTC; the University of California, San Francisco; and Support Development Associates.