ICI Staff Lend Their Leadership to Influence the Lives of People with Disabilities Everywhere

As an extension of their work at ICI, Institute staff contribute their expertise to the committees and boards of national and international organizations, advancing the rights and quality of life for people with disabilities in countless ways. Some of the current ICI staff appointments include:
Amy Hewitt, Sherri Larson (pictured), and Roger Stancliffe are newly-appointed to the advisory committee for the next iteration of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities' (AAIDD) terminology and classification manual, the foundation upon which clinical, policy, and legal standards are built.
Barb Kleist is Interim Vice-Chair (soon to be Chair) of AAIDD's Legal Process and Advocacy Network, which engages members in activities that reduce barriers to justice and fair treatment in the civil and criminal justice systems for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Hewitt is president-elect of the board of directors of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), a membership organization that supports and promotes a national network of university-based interdisciplinary programs, such as ICI. These programs bridge the university and the community, bringing together the resources of both to achieve meaningful change for people living with developmental or other disabilities or special health needs.
Kristin Dean is on the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) board of directors. NADSP envisions a world with a highly-qualified and professional direct support workforce that partners with, supports, and empowers people with disabilities to lead a life of their choosing.
Angela Amado is on the Community Living Committee of TASH, an international association that advocates for human rights and inclusion for people with significant disabilities and support needs through research, professional development, policy, and information and resources for parents, families, and self-advocates.
Kristi Rudelius-Palmer serves on two national committees and one international coalition: (a) Human Rights Educators USA (HRE USA), which she co-founded in 2011, is a network building a human rights culture by providing a forum for HRE practitioners and supporters to learn, network, and exchange professional expertise; (b) the University and College Consortium for Human Rights Education (UCCHRE), which she co-founded in April 2016, furthers human rights education, research, and learning by promoting engagement, collaboration, innovation, and mentorship within higher education; and (c) Human Rights Education 2020, where she is a board member, supports and strengthens the implementation of international human rights education commitments.