Changing Landscapes Displays Art in Minneapolis Cafe

Changing Landscapes, the ICI initiative that celebrates artistry among people with disabilities, has made its second foray into the community this month. Through a connection from committee members David and Sheryl Evelo, the Birchwood Cafe in Minneapolis is hosting an exhibit called "Feast" now through Sunday, October 8, 2017. On August 14, Changing Landscape members Tony Baisley, Megan Dushin, and Nik Fernholz represented ICI at the opening reception. Feast explores the subject of food and the relationships and perceptions of food and art. Artists from Interact Center for the Visual and Performing Arts have approached this showing in a variety of impressive media and styles to demonstrate both existing and new understandings of one of the most basic building blocks of life - food. "Through the Evelo family's ongoing generosity, and in honor of their daughter Stephanie's memory, we are committed to bringing Changing Landscapes out in to the broader community," said Baisley. "It is fitting that our partnership with the Birchwood Cafe should feature artists from Interact, as they have been consistent partners of ours since Changing Landscapes began in 2007. In fact, our very first exhibition was with Interact artists. We look forward to creating more unique opportunities to showcase artists with disabilities in the near future."
The above image, Untitled Curry, which appeared in exhibit materials, was painted by Ward Norton in 2017. Also, ICI will host a closing reception featuring artist Jon Leverentz on Thursday, September 14 from 4-6 p.m. in Pattee Hall.