Art for All Hosts Exhibit at the Minneapolis Club

This summer, ICI's Art for All: The Stephanie Evelo Fund for Art Inclusion is exhibiting off-campus again, this time downtown in the Minneapolis Club at 729 Second Avenue South. The exhibit is free, open to the public, and runs through August 29. It features art by Katharine Fitzgerald, Ingrid Hansen, Jon Leverentz, Geoffrey Mikol, and Jimmy Reagan (whose painting, "Man with Sad Face," is pictured). "Our current exhibit at the Minneapolis Club is about five individuals' amazing artistry," says Art for All committee member Tony Baisley. "Staying true to the original intent of the Art for All: The Stephanie Evelo Fund for Art Inclusion initiative, we continue to seek out partnerships and venues to share the incredible artwork of individuals with disabilities to a broader audience. We believe the celebration of art can bring all people together to look beyond perceived differences."
Art for All: The Stephanie Evelo Fund for Art Inclusion was established to support artists with disabilities in the community. The Fund was created by Sheryl and David Evelo in partnership with ICI in honor of their daughter, Stephanie, a gifted artist and dedicated ICI employee. With the fiscal support from the Fund, the Stephanie Award, including a $100 gift card, is awarded to one talented artist from each exhibition. ICI also makes a contribution to the organization supporting that artist. All of the art in this exhibit is for sale and proceeds will go directly to the artists. The public is encouraged to visit the exhibit between 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday through Friday, leading up to the public reception.The August 29 reception at the Minneapolis Club will honor the work of the five artists, some of whom will be on hand to greet visitors and say more about their view on the world. Hosted by Patty Connelly, with Sheryl and David Evelo, the reception will run from 5-7 p.m., with a short program around 6:30 p.m. There will be hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar.
Besides Baisley, the Art for All committee members include Julia Anderson, Rebecca Dosch Brown, David Evelo, Sheryl Evelo, Nicholas Fernholz, Sara Foster, Amy Hewitt, Mark Olson, and Cliff Poetz.