A Profile of Partnerships: ICI's Latest Annual Report

Tue Apr 17 2018
Cover of ICI's 2016-17 Annual Report.

"Through activities in research, training, and outreach we continue to learn from the communities whom we support, taking our cues from their demonstrated needs, and doing work that is only made possible through the many partnerships we share," says ICI Director David R. Johnson in the opening Community Message of the newly-released ICI Annual Report.  The report summarizes how ICI's partnerships with over 200 community collaborators, support from over 70 valued funders, and guidance from its Community Advisory Council have enabled it to work across the lifespan to improve policies and practices that ensure that all children, youth, and adults with disabilities are valued by, and contribute to, their communities of choice. 

Among the activities highlighted in this report are person-centered and family-centered approaches in mental health services, early intervention for autism spectrum disorder, inclusive education for students with disabilities around the globe, school engagement for marginalized K-12 students, and living arrangements of long-term supports and services recipients with disabilities. They are part of the work of the 60+ projects and 6 affiliated centers in ICI's five program areas:

At the conclusion of his Community Message -- Johnson's final annual report letter as ICI's outgoing director -- he summarizes his reflections on ICI's past accomplishments with a look ahead: "I believe in our future, and know that through ongoing collaborations and strategic planning ICI will continue to be positioned for success, and to make a difference in the years ahead."